Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Stone House
March 13, 2024
6:00 P.M.
The Special Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 13, 2024. Members present were Nicole Winter, Ruth Foley, Scott Ohms, Kristy Schueller, Janet Werner, John Duerr, Village Clerk Deven Morgensen, and Village Treasurer Steve Stadel. Also present were Ron Duerr, Kevin Stier, and Jerry Edwards. Garrett Hillary entered at 6:19 pm.
The Village board discussed the report completed by the Structural Engineer. The report supported the demolition of the property located in the Historical District of Scales Mound. Duerr motioned; Ohms seconded to approve the demolition of the property owned by Kevin Stier located at 315 North Ave. On roll call vote, all voted aye.
The board discussed the Service Line Project as it is approaching the due date. Ron Duerr requested a copy of the completed Service Line data. Ron Duerr reported that the Pump House maintenance is almost complete. Once complete, the SCADA system will be worked on and finalized. Ron Duerr requested that the board notify him if they see the red light on at the Pump House. John Duerr suggested Ron Duerr be issued a PO Box key. However, as a result of the last audit, only the Village Clerk and Village President have access to the PO Box to ensure separation of duties.
The board discussed the new garbage and recycling totes being delivered the week of March 18, 2024. The board discussed that the Village should have their own totes for the collection of village garbage cans. The board also discussed potential locations for the glass recycling container. Treasurer Stadel suggested moving tax collection from garbage to another fund such as the audit or the insurance fund with the Tax Computation. Treasurer Stadel suggested setting a dollar amount for the reserves to calculate the rate changes. The board reviewed the current list of residents and charges and identified changes to be made. The board also discussed that Montgomery Trucking was previously charging the village for less residents than garbage was getting picked up. With the new contract, this will be corrected. Duerr motioned; Werner seconded the water rate increase to $18.00, sewer rate increase to $20, and garbage remain at $12 totaling $50 per month effective June 2024. On roll call vote, all voted aye.
Residents who already pay or wish to pay their monthly rate via ACH, will need to sign a new ACH debit authorization form at any Apple River State Bank location or Steve Stadel’s office by June 9, 2024. Residents billed quarterly or annually will see a prorated rate from the time of the change.
Foley requested to have Village Clerk, Deven Morgensen advertise the Emergency Plan for special needs residents. This will be advertised in April after the Easter Party advertisement has expired. President Winter will also provide color copies of the Emergency Plan to those who are listed as emergency contacts.
The board discussed the purchase of the Beebe property and the closing set for March 25, 2024. The board discussed what funds to allocate to the purchase as significant amount of the funds are currently in Certificates of Deposits (CDs). Treasurer Stadel recommended a short-term loan using the CDs as collateral until the CDs mature to pay off the loan. The village board authorized President Winter to research the funding options for the property purchase.
ADJOURNMENT – Duerr moved, Werner seconded that the Meeting be adjourned at 7:52. All voted aye.
These Minutes were prepared by Village Clerk, Deven Morgensen.
These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting. Minutes are also available online at
Village President
ATTEST: ________________________________________
Village Clerk