Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

March 25, 2024

7:00 P.M.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes – Regular Meeting February 26, 2024 and Special Meeting March 13, 2024
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. Approval of Bills
  6. Citizens Comments/Communications
    1. Citizens Comments
    2. SM Chamber
    3. Contact Us Submissions
    4. Other
  7. Ordinance Violations/Administrative Law Report
  8. Public Works
    1. Monthly Report
  9. Zoning Report
    1. Monthly Report
  10. Old Business
    1. Other Stone House Repairs – Update from Scott Ohms
    2. Stone House Gutter Installation
    3. Emergency Plan Advertisement
    4. Increase ComEd Street Lights
    5. Addition of Street Mirrors
    6. Water/Sewer/Garbage Rates
    7. Easter Party
    8. Sharps Container
    9. May Mayor Meeting
    10. Garage Sales
  11. Other Committee Reports
    1. Street/Maintenance
    2. Sewer/Water
      1. Lead Service Line Update
    3. Finance
    4. Park & Special Projects
    5. Public Events & Safety
    6. Trees & Sidewalks
    7. Ordinance/Policy
  12. New Business
    1. Committee Preferences for Annual Appointments in April
    2. Scales Mound Recreation Association Electronic Sign Request
    3. Steve Winter – Insurance Coverage
    4. Safe Deposit Box
    5. Garbage Pick-up Date Change
    6. Wage Increase Request from Village Treasurer
    7. Other
  13. Brainstorming
  14. Closed Session
  15. Adjournment