Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Stone House
November 27, 2023
7:00 P.M.

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes – Regular Meeting October 30, 2023
IV. Treasurer’s Report
A. Tax Levy Ordinance
V. Approval of Bills
VI. Citizens Comments/Communications
A. SM Chamber
B. Contact Us Submissions
C. Other
VII. Ordinance Violations/Administrative Law Report
VIII. Public Works
A. Monthly Report
IX. Zoning Report
X. Old Business
A. Other Stone House Repairs – Update from Scott Ohms
B. Annual TIF Meeting
C. Emergency Plan Update
D. DACRA Update
E. Montgomery Contract
F. Electronic Recycling Event Outcome
XI. Other Committee Reports
A. Street/Maintenance
B. Sewer/Water
i. Lead Service Line Update
C. Finance
D. Park & Special Projects
E. Public Events & Safety
F. Trees & Sidewalks
G. Ordinance/Policy
XII. New Business
A. Annual Christmas Bonuses
B. Wage increase proposal for Village President and Board Members
C. Scales Mound Post Prom Letter/Request
D. Scales Mound Fire Department Letter/Request
E. Request to purchase new American Flags for the Village
F. Village Plow Truck
G. Other
XIII. Brainstorming
XIV. Closed Session
XV. Adjournment