Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

July 31, 2023

7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, July 31, 2023. Members present were Nicole Winter, John Duerr, Ruth Foley, Scott Ohms and Janet Werner. Member Garrett Hillary was absent. Also present were Steve Stadel, Village Treasurer, Deven Morgensen, Village Clerk, Ron Duerr, Margaret Townsend, Olivia Winter, Eva Koehn, Wayne Moyer, Dave Fosler, Kim Fosler, Sandy Frank, and Olivia Frederick.

Village Clerk, Tammy Winter, disclosed the recording of the meeting. The floor was opened for comments to the citizens present with the expectations of limiting each comment to 3 minutes, waiting to be called on, and be respectful to those speaking. Citizen, Kim Fosler expressed concerns regarding another citizen, Dave Hoftender, being brought forward as a candidate to fill the open board seat at the April 24, 2023, meeting. Fosler expressed that the board had concerns of Hoftender living in the TIF District, but he does not and then the seat was appointed to a citizen, Scott Ohms, who does reside in the TIF District. Nicole Winter explained that TIF District residents represented on the board need to be limited due to needing to have a quorum for discussion and voting purposes regarding the TIF. Werner expressed that Hoftender would be considered as a candidate when a board seat opens in the future. Werner asked the remainder of the citizens present if they had any additional names to add to the docket.

Nicole Winter was nominated by Foley to fill the vacancy of Village President. Werner seconded the motion and thanked Duerr for his consideration to fill the vacancy. On roll call vote, all voted aye. President Winter appointed, with Board approval. Village Clerk, Tammy Winter presented her resignation. Werner motioned. Foley seconded. On roll call vote, all voted aye. Nicole Winter nominated Deven Morgensen as the Village Clerk. Foley motioned. Ohms seconded. On roll call vote, all voted aye. Village Clerk Morgensen appointed, with Board approval.

Foley moved, Winter seconded that the minutes of the closed sessions for the past six months will remain closed to the public and that the recordings from the period prior to 18 months ago be destroyed. On roll call vote, all voted aye. Werner moved, Ohms seconded that the minutes of the July 18, 2023, special meeting both open and closed sessions be approved as read. All voted aye. Duerr moved, Winter seconded that the minutes of the June 26, 2023, regular meeting be approved as read. All voted aye.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. A) Update on Utility Billing for High Point Apartments – Village Treasurer, Stadel reported he had sent copies of the invoices back to 2016 as the new management requested. Payment has been received but they were missing some invoices. However, they are no longer considered delinquent. B) Anything New on Delinquent Audits – 2022 audit has been received from O’Connor & Brooks. C) Other – 2021 TIF Packet needs to be sent out to the taxing bodies. 2022 TIF Packet needs to be put together and separately sent to the taxing bodies. It was decided to wait until 2022 is complete to hold a combined meeting for 2021/2022. Citizen, Margaret Townsend, posed the question to the board if the auditor offered to present the audit to the board. Winter indicated they did not, but she would inquire. Stadel recommended a utility payment portal, Utilipay, for citizens to pay their water bills online. The service would be of no cost to the village but would charge a convenience fee to the citizens. Stadel will bring another company for comparison to the next meeting. Village board to discuss again at August 2023 meeting.

Foley moved, Ohms seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to place it on file. All voted aye.

Duerr moved, Werner seconded that the June bills be approved for payment. On roll call vote, all voted aye.


A) Anything New on Administrative Law1) Moyer reported that he would be able to deliver citations starting August 1, 2023, as he was having issues with the DACRA system. 2) Board discussed the ticketing process guidelines and decided citizens in violation of Village Ordinances would be issued a warning to correct violations within 10 days from warning date. If violations are not corrected within the 10 days, a citation will be issued to have the violations corrected within 10 days. If a violation is deemed to be a longer than 10-day project, the board may approve a documented plan with deadlines on a case-by-case basis.

B) Front Porch on Stone House – Update – Foley advised she is waiting on Dave Carscallen to provide a sketch for the board to review and approve. Village Board discussed having to advertise for bids for the project if it will cost more than $25,000. Village Board to discuss at next meeting.

C) Update from Nicole Winter regarding contact with O’Connor – O’Connor contacted Stadel for login credentials to update the portal. As of the meeting, Stadel had not yet checked to see if O’Connor updated 2021 action items.

D) Discussion Regarding Appointment of TIF Administrator – President Winter advised that a TIF Administrator needs to be appointed to sign the TIF Finance Report. Historically, the TIF Administrator has been the President and the board decided to leave it with the President. President Winter to sign and provide to Scott Roberts.

E) Audits/Annual TIF Meeting – Meeting to be set once Scott Roberts receives the document back. Must be sent out fifteen (15) days before the meeting.

F) Purchase of Memorial Bench – Memorial Bench donated by family in memory of Maryann Stadel. Clerk Morgensen to order and send invoice to family. Village pays for the plaque. Trustee Werner to meet with Ron Duerr to pick the location in the park.

B) Other – Nothing


A) S.M. Chamber – No Report

C) Other – None


A) Monthly Report – Ron Duerr reported: 1) Buildings are complete apart from the gutters and downspouts. 2) Streets have been patched in rough areas. 3) Portable pump ran for three (3) hours due to the recent excessive rainstorm.

B) Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee – No Report. Meeting time needs to be set for this committee.

C) Sewer & Water Operations Committee1) Service Line Material Identification Project – More responses are needed. Clerk, Morgensen, to post in the Weekly Visitor with explanation and deadline. President, Winter, to post reminder on Facebook. 2) Maintenance completed on Sewer 3 last week. Meeting time needs to be set for this committee.


A) Report – No Report. Zoning Administrator, Dave Carscallen not present.

B) Discuss Current Zoning Board and Appoint Zoning Liaison1) Current Zoning Board – Zoning Board currently has one vacancy. Village Board to fill vacancy at the next (August 2023) meeting. 2) Appointment of Zoning Liaison – Liaison is expected to assist current Zoning Administrator, Dave Carscallen, with questions surrounding zoning and assist with reviewing building permits prior to them being issued. If Liaison is unable to answer the question(s), the questions shall be brought to the Village Board. 3) Other – It was discussed that Village Policy should match the Zoning Ordinances and the polices should not be more restrictive than the Ordinances. It was clarified that the Zoning Board should discuss definitions and present to the Village Board to accept or deny changes.

Ohms volunteered as Zoning Liaison. Duerr moved, Foley seconded that Scott Ohms be appointed as the Zoning Liaison. All voted aye. Ohms to request Carscallen set Zoning Board meeting to go over all concerns and present to the Village Board at the following month’s meeting.


Wayne Moyer has received the list of ordinance violations and has started to issue violation citations.


A) Finance – No Report

B) Park & Special Projects – No Report

C) Public Events & Safety – No Report

D) Trees & Sidewalks – No Report

E) Ordinance/Policy – No Report

F) Other – Committees to be restructured.


A) Gifts/Resignation for outgoing President Davis, Clerk Townsend, and Zoning Administrator, Joe Lee – Plaque donated by Vincent Monuments recognizing President Davis, Clerk Townsend, and Zoning Administrator, Joe Lee. Board to brainstorm how to display and discuss at next meeting.

B) Lights/Electrical at Pavilion – 1) Ohms reported that there is a splice at the band stand, and he needs to review again. 2) Ohms reported that the Pavilion structure is weak and suggested potentially fixing the structure and electrical at the same time. Village Board discussed having a professional evaluate the structure of the pavilion and advertising for bids the project.

C) Stone House Repairs – 1) Ohms to check two (2) wires in the panel that were not hooked up. 2) Stairs inside Stone House need to be repaired. 3) Sign needed to identify the Stone House.

D) Village Appropriation/Budget – Village Board reviewed and discussed two versions of the Appropriation Ordinances, one completed by Trustee Foley, and one completed by Treasurer Stadel. The board collectively decided that the report should be completed by the Treasurer going forward. Treasurer Stadel to provide to Clerk Morgensen for filing within thirty (30) days. Duerr moved, Werner seconded that the accepted Appropriation Ordinance be the one completed by Treasurer Stadel. On roll call vote, all voted aye.

E) IML Insurance Renewal Packet – Former Village President, Carrie Stier, was previously completing this task. Clerk Morgensen to verify completion with IML Insurance.

F) Country House Grocery Street Dance – Store owner, Mellissa Dittmer, has requested for the street to be closed on September 2, 2023, from 5:30-10 PM for their annual customer appreciation street dance. Approval from the neighborhood is required. President Winter to contact Danielle Cline due to her apartment and Airbnb renters.

G) Other – Treasurer Stadel proposed the Village do the summer fill program and renew their contract for Propane from Mulgrew for the Stone House for the number of gallons used last year. Ohms moved; Werner seconded. On roll call vote, all voted aye.


A) Chamber Website – Update names of Village and Zoning Board members and contact information. President Winter to email Craig.

B) Village Board Member Vacancy – Village Board to discuss appointment of new board member at next meeting, August 28, 2023.

C) Zoning Board Member Vacancy – Village Board to discuss appointment of new zoning board member at next meeting, August 28, 2023.

D) OtherClarifications – 1) President Winter clarified that per the Illinois Open Meetings Act, the Village Board can move to a Closed Session at anytime regarding anything on the agenda, including but not limited to personnel matters. 2) President Winter clarified that during the Special Meeting held on July 18, 2023, only the Clerk and Trustees were present for the closed session. Margaret Townsend and Jim Davis were the only citizens to return to the Stone House after the Closed Session.


ADJOURNMENT – Duerr moved, Werner seconded that the Meeting be adjourned at 8:35 p.m. All voted aye.

These Minutes were prepared by Village Clerk, Deven Morgensen.

These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting. Minutes are also available online at


Village President

ATTEST: ________________________________________

Village Clerk