Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

May 30, 2023

7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 30, 2023 by President Stier. Members present were Nicole Busch, John Duerr, Ruth Foley, and Janet Werner. Also present were Steve Stadel, Village Treasurer, Tammy Winter, Village Clerk, Ron Duerr, Wayne Moyer, Dave Winter and Jesse Ertmer.

Foley moved; Busch seconded that the Minutes of the April 24, 2023 Regular Meeting be approved as read. All voted aye.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. A) Stadel noted that we have received another check from High Point Apartments and they are now only four months behind, but catching up. Discussion was had regarding the lien on the Chatterbox. B) Stadel made contact with another firm (The Benning Group) regarding the audits, because WIPFLI is quitting. We are two years behind on our audits, with our current firm. The new firm would be more efficient and thorough. The cost would be approximately $17,000-$24,000/year. We paid approximately $11,000.00 last year. Busch will make contact with O’Connor regarding the status.

The May bills were reviewed. One additional bill for $40.00 (Weekly Visitor) was added. Duerr moved, Werner seconded that the May bills be approved for payment. On roll call vote, all voted aye. Hillary entered the meeting at 7:07pm.


A) Anything new on Administrative Law – Moyer stated that he has been in touch with Chief Kovacic. Scales Mound has adopted the East Dubuque city code for the violations. He will work to correct the URL to be able to enter DACRA information. Letters would be written from the village and Moyer would deliver them. Stier suggested that a warning citation would work better because the offender would need to appear in East Dubuque. If they failed to appear, they would be found guilty and would need to pay a fine. Busch suggested that the Ordinance Committee would need to meet to determine the need. Moyer is also in need of a computer and printer. He will check with Kovacic regarding the new equipment. Duerr made a motion to allow Moyer to spend up to $1000.00 on equipment needed for DACRA violations. Second by Foley. On roll call vote, all voted aye.

B) Front porch on Stone House-Update – Foley has tried to contact Baranski with no luck. We will also need an electrician. She will reach out to Scott Ohms. It was suggested that maybe a sketch would be helpful in determining the original look. Stier suggested that the repairs for the upstairs be rolled in with the repairs for the porch so it could all be worked on at the same time. Discussion as to whether or not a bid would be needed for the porch. Foley will contact Fehr Graham and determine the next step.

C) “Make A Difference” Program – Dave Winter presented information regarding this program. It is through the Scales Mound Foundation and an anonymous donor. They currently give the, “All in Scholarship” but would like to add more. They intend on having a float in the parade and a booth at the celebration. The money could be used around the community for different projects. A campaign for donations will be started very soon.

D) Wayne Moyer – See above.

E) TIF-removal of property – Stier requested to remove two pieces of property from the TIF district. She spoke with an attorney (Megan Lamb) to be sure that it is possible and it is. This would remove any issues with Stier as the Village President of Scales Mound. Busch noted that removal of the property could affect funds, if the properties were sold or improvements were made. Duerr made a motion to remove. No second. Board members would like additional information before voting. Busch led discussion regarding Country House loan and the school project. Foley mentioned the importance of keeping the TIF growing.

F) Audits/Annual TIF meeting –No audit as of yet—the meeting needs to be rescheduled.

APPOINTMENTS: Zoning Administrator, Trustee, Attorney & Committees—Stier asked for a motion to appoint Hoftender to open Village seat. It was tabled at the last meeting. Busch requested more information and time to decide. Duerr made motion to appoint Hoftender. Seconded by Hillary. By roll call vote: Foley, abstain. Hillary, yes. Busch, no. Werner, abstain. Duerr, yes. Stier suggested Scott Ohms as a candidate to fill the Village seat. Werner made motion for Ohms. Second by Busch. By roll call vote: Busch, yes. Werner, yes. Duerr, opposed. Foley, yes. Hillary, yes. Scott Ohms will fill the vacant seat.

Zoning Board: Five members are needed. See attached correspondence from Stier. The entire group will be voted on at once. Foley made motion to approve all five members with Sheila Ohms and Dana Stadel as alternates. Second by Werner. Motion carried.

Village Attorney: Stier noted that several suggestions were made and discussion was had on the pros and cons of each candidate. The attorney is only needed on a “per-basis” and will not need to attend meetings. Our previous attorney billed approximately $150/hour. Stier asked for a motion to approve Cynthia Peterson. Hillary made the motion. Second by Duerr. All in favor. Motion carried.

PUBLIC HEARINGS/CORRESPONDENCE: A) SM Chamber: no report. B) Open Meetings training will be completed by all Board members as soon as possible.

PUBLIC WORKS: R. Duerr stated that the buildings at the pond are a work in progress. Three antennas were taken down and six were put up. Jesse Ertmer volunteered his services regarding researching a new truck. R. Duerr stated that the dirt around the sidewalk is prepared and will just need to be periodically watered. There were 33 letters returned, regarding the pipes survey. Stier asked that all members be given a tour of the village facilities. We will all meet at the Stone House at 6pm on June 26, 2023, prior to the scheduled meeting.

Discussion regarding residents parking vehicles in the streets, impeding traffic. Moyer will contact the residents and issue them warnings.

Discussion regarding the Dog Ordinance. There are several residences that exceed the 4 dog restriction. Busch will email Moyer the list. Moyer will contact Kovacic regarding citations.

OTHER COMMITTEE REPORTS: Foley discussed Appropriations and any major projects coming up—Stone House repairs, purchase of truck, lights at the pavilion and remodel of the old jail. Discussion regarding the use of the donation money from Mary Ann Stadel’s ($1000) memorial. Another bench? Tree? Playground equipment? Foley has a list of four residents that would like to purchase trees. Several trees (currently in poor condition) would need to be taken down in the park.

NEW BUSINESS: Discussion regarding one large plaque to present to Davis, Townsend and Lee for their service. Additional discussion regarding one large dumpster for village clean up.

ADJOURNMENT – Duerr moved, Hillary seconded that the Meeting be adjourned at 8:55 p.m. All voted aye.

These Minutes were prepared by Tammy L. Winter, Village Clerk.