Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

February 27, 2023

7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 27, 2023. Members present were Nicole Busch, John Duerr, Ruth Foley, Dan Wenzel and Nathan Wills. Member Janet Werner was absent. Also present were Steve Stadel, Village Treasurer, Margaret Townsend, Village Clerk and Ron Duerr.

Duerr moved, Busch seconded that the Minutes of the January 30, 2023 Regular Meeting be approved as read. All voted aye.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. Discussion was held on the delinquent bill of High Point Apartments which has not been paid for almost a year. Stadel reported he had sent them copies of the invoices as they requested and still no payment has been received. It was agreed that Clerk Townsend will send a letter to the owner of the property stating that a lien will be placed on the property if payment is not received by a specific date. Foley moved, Wills seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to place it on file. All voted aye.

The February bills were reviewed. Included in the bills was one from O’Connor & Brooks for the 2021 Audit. As the Audit has not yet been received, it was agreed to hold payment of this invoice until the Audit is received. Discussion was held on seeking out other auditing firms who may be interested in doing the audit for the Village. Also discussed was checking into other local garbage collection businesses to find the best option available for the Village. Duerr moved, Wenzel seconded that the February bills be approved for payment (with the exception of the O’Connor & Brooks bill which can be paid upon receipt of the Audit). On roll call vote, all voted aye.


A) S.M. Chamber – No Report

B) Letter from American Legal Publishing (Sterling Codifiers) – American Legal Publishing sent notice that they have joined the International Code Council as a wholly-owned subsidiary. They stated “the International Code Council is the leading global source of model codes and standards and building safety solutions.” Their plan is to provide the same level of personalized customer care and quality editing services as in the past and they thanked the Village for its years of loyalty.

C) Other – Nothing


A) Monthly Report – 1) Update on SCADA System – Ron Duerr reported: 1) he did get additional parts in for SCADA but because of the recent heavy snows, no one came up to continue the work. They are working on Pump House #2 and then Pump House#3 will be the last one. 2) He will look into the lead pipe inspection information with Dale Roberts next month. 3) He will be working on a watermain leak at the corner of Mason Avenue and Jackson Street tomorrow morning. He asked for help from Board Members to contact residents in that area who need to be notified that water will be shut off during the repair and a boil order may need to be placed. Nicole Bush will put a notice on Facebook showing the affected area.

B) Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee – No Report

C) Sewer & Water Operations Committee – No Report


Ruth Foley brought the copies of the Zoning Maps which were done by Jo Daviess County GIS. No information on the maps was changed, they are just now done professionally. It was agreed to charge $5.00 per map to

Minutes – Regular Meeting, February 27, 2023 – Page 2

anyone requesting a paper copy. The map will also be available on the Village’s website.


A meeting was held with Wayne Moyer who will be working with the Village in enforcing ordinances. He will put together an itemized bill of previous work he has done and present it for payment.


A) Front Porch on Stone House – Update – Davis stated he has not had further contact with Baranski but will get to it next month.

B) Other – Nothing


A) Finance – No Report

B) Park & Special Projects – No Report

C) Public Events & Safety – (1) 170th Celebration Update – The next meeting was scheduled for March 8th but may be rescheduled as it could conflict with the boys’ basketball post season. (2) Easter is April 9, 2023 – Discuss Easter Party – the Committee will check on the availability of the Town Hall for Palm Sunday which is April 2nd with a starting time of 2:00 p.m. If the Town Hall is not available, Nicole will check other dates and get back to Board Members. Nathan Wills will check with the Easter Bunny for availability.

D) Trees & Sidewalks – No report

E) Ordinance/Policy – Committee Report on Proposed Policy/Procedure Handbook ­– Jim Davis and Ruth Foley have been working on input for this document. Davis explained that it is intended that it will provide answers to frequently asked questions, it is not intended to supersede or replace any Village ordinances already in place. A lengthy discussion was held and Davis will take the suggested information and finish it up. It should be ready for Board approval at the March meeting.


A) Approve Resolution 2023-001 in Support of TIF – The IML is hoping to cease legislation changes on TIF and is seeking local government support. After discussion on a resolution “supporting the proposal by the Illinois General Assembly and Governor of Illinois to protect TIF in its current form as a valuable economic development tool without additional restrictions on municipal government and the communities they serve”, Davis called for a motion on the resolution. Foley moved, Wills seconded to pass and approve Resolution #2023-001. All voted aye. A copy of the Resolution will be sent to the IML as requested.

B) Other – Nothing



ADJOURNMENT – Duerr moved, Wenzel seconded that the Meeting be adjourned at 8:30 p.m. All voted aye.

These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting. Minutes are also available online at


Village President

ATTEST: ________________________________________

Village Clerk