Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

December 26, 2022

7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, December 26, 2022 by President Davis. Members present were Nicole Busch, John Duerr, Ruth Foley and Janet Werner. Members Wenzel and Wills entered after the Meeting was started. Also present were Steve Stadel, Village Treasurer, Margaret Townsend, Village Clerk and Ron Duerr.

Foley moved, Busch seconded that the Minutes of the November 28, 2022 Regular Meeting and the Public Hearing and Special Meeting December 7, 2022 be approved as read. All voted aye.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. Werner moved, Duerr seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to place it on file. All vote aye.

Nathan Wills entered the meeting at 7:06 p.m.

The December bills were reviewed. Foley moved, Werner seconded that the November bills be approved for payment. On roll call vote, all voted aye.


A) S.M. Chamber – Steve Stadel stated that there was a good turnout at the annual Christmas Party. In answer to a question about the Village’s payment for the Chamber’s involvement with the Christmas lights, Stadel stated he will get an invoice together to present to the Village Board at a future meeting.

B) Other – Nothing


A) Monthly Report – 1) Update on SCADA System – Nothing reported; 2) Update on Lead Pipe Inspection – Foley stated that the Village of Stockton, IL reportedly received back 80% of the surveys they sent out regarding the Lead Pipe issue. Ron Duerr will speak with Dale Roberts to see if he has spoken with the Stockton officials to see if a survey of that type satisfies the EPA requirements. 3) Discussion was held on a request from Steve Winter of Prairie Path Water, a local water company which is interested in purchasing a water meter that the Village has had in storage for several years. The Village had ordered this meter with plans to install it and then at that time, decided to install one they already had on hand, so the meter has never been used. The meter cost over $3,000 and Prairie Path Water has agreed to pay the full cost. They will need a Bill of Sale and a Certificate of Insurance. Foley moved, Wills seconded to sell the water meter to Prairie Path Water for the amount the Village paid when they purchased it. All voted aye. 4) Steve Stadel asked to move the agenda item regarding the annual review of the Public Works Director up from New Business for discussion at this time. After discussion, all were in agreement that in accordance with the Employment Contract, the salary will be increased 2.5% beginning January 1, 2023 ($1583.33 is the gross amount to be added to Ron’s annual salary.)

B) Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee Report – No Report

C) Sewer & Water Operations Committee – No Report

Dan Wenzel entered the meeting at 7:20 p.m.

ZONING – No Report


Nicole Busch stated she contacted the City Clerk in East Dubuque to set up an appointment to learn about the

Minutes – Regular Meeting, December 26, 2022 – Page 2

Administrative Law computer system. She was informed that the citations need to be issued by a sworn law enforcement officer. The Board is still interested in having Nicole and Jim receive training so someone here knows the operation of the computer system. Davis will discuss the matter with Attorney Kurt.


A) Restrooms at Town Hall – Update – Steve Stadel stated he had looked at the restrooms and didn’t think they were too bad. He did get a quote of $3,000 from TSR Concrete Coatings of Lena, IL for resurfacing the floors. Bennett Brown put in a bid of $2,820 for the floors. After discussion, Foley moved, Busch seconded to accept Brown’s lower bid of $2,820. All voted aye. The Village Board agreed that the Township should pick the color of the floor coating. It was also agreed to do the floors first and then do another inspection to see what else, if anything, should be updated before the 170th Celebration.

B) Front Porch on Stone House – Update – No new information.

C) April 2023 Consolidated Election – Clerk Townsend reported that the time period for filing petitions is over and there are two candidates for Village President, James Davis and Carrie Stier; two candidates for the three 4-year terms, Ruth Foley and Nicole Busch; two candidates for the two 2-year unexpired terms, Janet Werner and Garrett Hillary. There will be one 4-year term which can be filled by appointment after the election.

D) Other – Nothing


A) Finance – No Report

B) Park & Special Projects – No report

C) Public Events & Safety170th Celebration Update – No Report

D) Trees & Sidewalks – No Report

E) Ordinance/Policy – The Committee is Nicole, Chairperson, Nathan and John. Ruth Foley volunteered to work with the committee to gather the policies/procedures of the Board and make a booklet of them for easy reference. A meeting will be set up soon.


A) Animal Control – President Davis stated that annually the Jo Daviess County Animal Control sends out a

contract for animal control which specifies that they will provide a pick up of stray dogs with the stipulation that the Village must tie up the dog and pay a $300 pick up fee. People in the county, outside of the municipalities, have this same service at no cost. Davis stated he feels the county is double taxing the people in the municipalities as they pay for a dog tag and also pay for Animal Control in their Real Estate Taxes and then in addition, the Village has to pay the $300 for pick up. He wrote a letter to the County regarding this matter but has had no response from them. Davis then called for a motion to accept the contract for 2023. There was no motion made.

B) Annual Review of Salary of Public Works Director – Already discussed under Public Works.

C) Other – Nothing



ADJOURNMENT – Foley moved, Wenzel seconded that the Meeting be adjourned at 8:05 p.m. All voted aye.

These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting. Minutes are also available online at


Village President

ATTEST: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________________

Village Clerk