Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

October 24, 2022

7:00 P.M.

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes, Regular Meeting, September 26, 2022 (includes recessed Meeting 09/28/22)

IV. Treasurer’s Report

V. Approval of Bills

VI. Public Hearings/Correspondence

A. S.M. Chamber – Annual Christmas Party Information

B. Mediacom Letter – Rate Adjustment

C. Other

VII. Public Works

A. Monthly Report

1) Update on SCADA System

2) Other

B. Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee Report

C. Sewer & Water Operations Committee

VIII. Zoning

IX. Ordinance Violations

X. Old Business

A. FFA Color Run

B. Front Porch on Stone House

C. Reminder – Time to Circulate Petitions Is Now

D. Other

XI. Other Committee Reports

A. Finance – Preliminary Discussion on Tax Levy Ordinance/Timeframe

B. Park & Special Projects

C. Public Events & Safety – 170th Celebration Update

D. Trees & Sidewalks – Ruth Foley – New Information on Availability of Trees

E. Ordinance/Policy

XII. New Business

XIII. Brainstorming

XIV. Closed Session

XV. Adjournment

Posted 10/21/22