Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

June 27, 2022

7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 27, 2022 by President Davis.  Members present were Nicole Busch, John Duerr, Ruth Foley and Janet Werner.  Member Dan Wenzel was absent.  Also present were Margaret Townsend, Village Clerk, Ron Duerr and Carrie Stier.  Steve Stadel, Village Treasurer was absent.

The Minutes of the May 31, 2022 Regular Meeting were amended as follows:  On Page 1 under Public Works, Monthly Report, 1) the sentence:  Pump #3 was done last year should be deleted completely from the Minutes.  Foley moved, Duerr seconded that the Minutes of the May 31, 2022 Regular Meeting be approved as amended.  All voted aye.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  Busch moved, Werner seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to place it on file.  All voted aye.

Board Member Nathan Wills entered the meeting at 7:06 p.m.

The June bills were reviewed.  Foley moved, Werner seconded that the June bills be approved for payment.  On roll call vote, all voted aye.


A) S.M. Chamber – No Report

B) Other – Nothing


A) Monthly Report – Ron Duerr reported: 1) everything is working good; 2) He did not get a chance to get a bid on a Ferris mower.; 3) He explained that the storm last Tuesday took down a tree in the park. The tree damaged a nearby tree as it fell and also damaged one of the new park benches recently installed; however, there was no damage to the wooden playground structures that it landed on. The second tree will have to be removed and the bench was taken to someone to see if it can be repaired.   Clerk Townsend has been in contact with the insurance company regarding the bench.

Foley moved, Duerr seconded that the Village buy a new bench and also to continue with the insurance claim.  All voted aye.

Ron Duerr also: 4) told the Board that Terry Wienen had helped for two hours to clean up the tree debris and asked that he be compensated.  John Duerr moved, Foley seconded to pay $50 in Mound Bucks to Terry Wienen in appreciation for his help.  All voted aye.

5) Suggested that the Village have Soppe’s Lawn Care inspect all of the remaining trees in the park to assess the condition of each.  Ron will report to the Board on what they find.; 6) John Duerr then stated that the tree on Franklin Street that was struck by lightening a couple of weeks ago needs to come down.  Ruth Foley will check with Jo Daviess County GIS to determine whose property that tree is on, the Village’s or the County’s.; 7) Discussion was held on the ditch waterway that runs in the middle of the block between Schuyler and Mason Avenues.  Davis explained how it came to be that the ditch was filled in years ago by a property owner so it could be better mowed.  That fix deteriorated some and was repaired by Gary Saam Construction.  It is now again filling up again with sludge and needs to be cleaned out or reshaped.  The Village owns only about 6’ of the land from the street on both ends of the waterway.  Davis and Ron Duerr will mark out where the property needs to be reshaped and Janet will talk with the property owner about what needs to be done to remedy the problem.

Minutes – Regular Meeting, June 27, 2022 – Page 2

B) Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee – No Report

C) Sewer & Water Operations Committee – No Report


President Davis presented the following permits and fees:  1) Dan Schelberger – extension on driveway; 2) Adam Brandt – portable building; and, 3) Bernie Muchow – stairs off of deck.  .Discussion was held on the following:  1) A question was asked as to whether a permit is needed for a cement porch.  Davis explained that if the porch is replacing a porch or deck and it is the same footprint of the one being removed, no permit is required.  2) Concerns were expressed about a business being operated at the Koehler property at 123 Franklin Street and all of the unregistered vehicles that are there.  Davis explained that an auto business can be located in a General Business area and a business considered auto repair can be located in an Auto Oriented Business Zone.  3) Nathan Wills stated that at Wills Garage they have 4 vehicles they are waiting for titles from the State before they can take them to the Junk Yard.  They cannot take them there without a title.


Nicole Busch stated that she has forwarded copies of the violation letters to Officer Moyer and will keep in contact with him.  Moyer has hours from previous duty that he needs to turn in to be compensated for.  The Board needs to sit down with him to discuss compensation going forward as well as what he needs for “office” equipment to work on the Administrative Law cases.


A) Further Discussion on Appropriation Ordinance/Budget Steve Stadel – In Steve’s absence, a brief discussion was held on the proposed Appropriation Ordinance and the information he provided on Budget and Appropriations. Jim Davis stated the information that Steve presented was very informative and will be good for future reference.  Foley moved, Duerr seconded to pass and approve the Appropriation Ordinance (Ordinance #2022-001) beginning May 1, 2022 and ending April 30, 2023 in the amount of $1,254,000.00.  On roll call vote, all voted aye.  The ordinance will be filed with the County Clerk and posted as required.

B) Update on Funds (Explanation of funds seen in report on State of IL website) – Steve Stadel – Davis has been checking with Bridgette Stocks on this and it is believed that these are the funds already appropriated to the Village but not yet totally disbursed. Bridgette will continue to work on it.

C) Update on SCADA System – Ron Duerr reported that Brian of Fehr Graham is working on parts of the SCADA System to get it up and running.

D) Other – Nothing


A) Finance – Ruth Foley questioned as to whether the Village should have a credit card to use for smaller purchases. After a short discussion it was agreed to have Nicole Busch check into the details and report back to the Board.

B) Park & Special Projects – 1) Benches were installed; Storm Damage to One (previously discussed). The following items from the list of park projects needing to be addressed were discussed: 1) the water fountain by the Town Hall has been fixed; 2) Busch thanked Janet Werner for the weeding she did in the park; 3) John Duerr will work with Willie Gronner on recoating the blacktop on the basketball court; 4) checking on basketball standards for the court; 5) the mulch in the playground areas is pretty thin.  The consensus of the Board was to go ahead and do the mulching.  Ron thinks we should wait until spring to put it down.  It was agreed to check with Dubuque Hardwood for the mulch which needs to be specifically for playgrounds; 6) In light of the fact that the tree that fell in the storm was destroyed from the inside out by ants, it was agreed to have Ron ask Jeremy Soppe to check all of the trees in the park to see what condition they are in; 7) Davis will look for an electrician to determine what can be done with the electrical panel at the pavilion; and, 8) it was agreed to repair or replace the door on the “Old Jail”.

Minutes – Regular Meeting, June 27, 2022 – Page 3

C) Public Events & Safety – Janet Werner asked about funds for the 170th Celebration Parade. After discussion, Foley moved, Busch seconded to set up an account specifically for the 170th Celebration and to transfer $10,000 into it from the General Account.  All voted aye.  Nicole will work with Steve Stadel on setting up the account.  The next Celebration meeting will be on Wed., July 20th at 6:00 p.m.

D) Trees & Sidewalks – No further discussion.

E) Ordinance/Policy – No Report


A) Annual Appointments, Set Meeting Place, Dates & Time, Designate Depository – Davis made the following appointments: Margaret Townsend, Village Clerk; Steve Stadel, Village Treasurer; Joe Lee, Zoning Administrator; Terry Kurt, Village Attorney. Meeting Time: 7:00 p.m.; Meeting Location: The Stone House, 309 North Avenue, Scales Mound, IL; Meeting Dates: Tuesday, May 31, 2022 (Tuesday due to Memorial Day Holiday); Monday, June 27, 2022; Monday, July 25, 2022; Monday, August 29, 2022; Monday, September 26, 2022; Monday, October 24, 2022 (due to the last Monday is Halloween); Monday, November 28, 2022; Monday, December 26, 2022; Monday, January 30, 2023; Monday, February 27, 2023; Monday, March 27, 2023; Monday, April 24, 2023; Tuesday, May 30, 2023 (Tuesday due to Memorial Day Holiday). Depository: Apple River State Bank, Scales Mound.  COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  (First name on list is chairperson) Operation/Maintenance/Streets – John Duerr/Nathan Wills/Dan Wenzel; Sewer/Water Operations – Nathan Wills/Dan Wenzel/John Duerr; Finance – Nicole Busch/Ruth Foley/Janet Werner; Public Events/Safety – Ruth Foley/ Janet Werner/Dan Wenzel; Trees/Sidewalks – Ruth Foley, John Duerr, Nathan Wills; Parks/Special Projects – Janet Werner/Ruth Foley/Nicole Busch; Ordinance/Policy – Nicole Busch/John Duerr/Nathan Wills.  Foley moved, Wills seconded to accept all appointments, committees, depository designation and meeting information as listed.  All voted aye.

B) Other – Nicole Busch expressed a concern about the upcoming election in April, 2023. At that time, there will be 5 (five) seats on the Village Board to be filled. That is due to the fact that presently, two Board Members were appointed to finish out terms that were open due to resignations.  These two seats go only until the next Election which is 2023.  The other 3 (three) seats are those that would normally be up for election in 2023.  Nicole would like to put out information to the residents of the Village in an attempt to get more interest.  Clerk Townsend will share with Nicole the information she has put out in the past.



ADJOURNMENT – Duerr moved, Wills seconded that the Meeting be adjourned at 8:25 p.m.  All voted aye.

These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting.  Minutes are also available online at



Village President

ATTEST: _____________________________________

Village Clerk