Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

August 30, 2021

7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 30, 2021 by President Davis.  Members present were Nicole Busch, John Duerr, Ruth Foley, Bernard Trebian and Nathan Wills.  Also present were Steve Stadel, Village Treasurer, Margaret Townsend, Village Clerk, Ron Duerr, Janet Werner, Brandon Behlke, Jerry Barber and Bridgette Stocks.

At this time Janet Werner was sworn in as an appointed Board Member to fill a vacancy and was seated.

Duerr moved, Foley seconded that the Minutes of the July 26, 2021 Regular Meeting be approved as read.  All voted aye.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  Steve Stadel reported he will be closing out the checking accounts for the Stone House project and OSLAD (park project) grants and transferring the monies to the General Fund.  In reply to a question asked about the tax money received from county Cannibas sales, he stated those monies go into the Corporate Fund.  Also, any monies received as a result of the funding resulting from legislation regarding COVID have specific identified uses.  Foley moved, Trebian seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to place it on file.  All voted aye.

The August bills were reviewed.  Duerr moved, Wills seconded that the August bills with the addition of one to Charles Koester in the amount of $1,696.00 for the Village share of sidewalk replacement be approved for payment.  On roll call vote, all voted aye.


A) S.M. Chamber – Nothing

B) Other – 1) The Board received an invitation to the Grand Opening of Fehr Graham in their new location at 101 West Stephenson Street in Freeport, IL on Wednesday, September 15th from 3-6 p.m.  2) Ruth Foley stated that IDOT is accepting applications for the SRTS Funding Cycle 2021 which has funds available for the “Safe Routes to School Program”.  The program supports projects and programs that enable and encourage walking and bicycling to and from school.  There was no interest from the Board at this time; however, there are areas in the Village where putting in sidewalks could make it safer for walking and bicycling, which the Board will look into in the future and possible use our own funds.  3) Solicitation from SMFPD for Donation for Upcoming Fund Raising Event – After discussion, Foley moved, Werner seconded to follow past procedure and donate the $20.00 to the SMFPD if that is what was done in the past.  All voted aye.  Clerk Townsend will check to see what was done in the past.  4) Letter from Chris Schultz regarding Village’s 170th Anniversary Celebration – tabled to Public Events & Safety on the Agenda.  5) Jerry Barber – Jerry Barber addressed the Board with concerns about an inoperable vehicle next door to his property.  The vehicle has been there 4 or 5 years and is now practically gutted.  Jerry is concerned because raccoons are living in the vehicle and are coming to his property and causing damage to his home.  He is asking the Board to please enforce the Ordinance pertaining to inoperable, abandoned vehicles.


A) Monthly Report – Ron Duerr reported that: 1) the phone line at the Lift Station has been down since August 2nd and Frontier has still not come to repair it. Jim Davis will help Ron work on it. 2)  He would

Minutes – Regular Meeting, August 30, 2021 – Page 2

like to suggest that the Board go back to the policy of giving notices to people whose utility bills are 60 days past due.  The notice will state that they have to pay in full in a specified time or their water service will be shut off.  The process we do now of notifying every six months allows the amounts to become much higher before they ever get paid off.  Ron is willing to put the notices on people’s doors.  Steve Stadel informed the Board he spent a lot of time working on the past billings and payments for High Point Apartments to clarify the past due amount they are questioning.

B) Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee Report – No Report

C) Sewer & Water Operations Committee Report – No Report

ZONING – Jim Davis presented the fee and paperwork from Ken Frank for a front porch on his residence.

ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS – It has been reported there is a truck parked along Schuyler Avenue between Jackson and Washington Streets which has not been moved in months.  This will be looked into.


A) Action on Administrative Law Ordinances – Tabled to September Meeting.

B) B. Stocks – Grants for SCADA System – Bridgette Stocks from Fehr-Graham presented a printout listing “Public Infrastructure Funding Options”. She explained the funding which the Village will have coming from CURE Funding ($35,000) and American Rescue Plan ($48,000+). The Village has expressed an interest in using the monies to update the electronics for the water system (SCADA), which is one of the Government approved uses.  She stated the SCADA software would be installed over the winter months.  Everything is working fine right now; however, much of the equipment is antiquated and will eventually need to be replaced.  Ruth Foley stated that due to raising costs, she would like to see the Board move forward now and get the SCADA system going.  Bridgette went on to say another source of funding is Illinois DCEO for public infrastructure grants where the money comes from HUD; there is no matching and you can apply every year.  Also there is the IEPA State Revolving Loan Fund for larger water and wastewater projects.  Bridgette stated that the next time to apply for grant money is June, 2022 so there is time for the Board to think about what the needs are.  It was agreed that the Board needs to set up a time to do an onsite inspection of the Village.  At this time, Jerry Barber stated he believes his water pressure is becoming lower.  Davis told him it is probably a problem on his property as the water pressure in that part of town has remained the same.  He should have that checked by a plumber.  Jerry also stated he would like to see the town come up with a “Living Hero” celebration.

C) Action on Agreement with Fehr Graham for Professional Services RE: SCADA – Foley moved, Duerr seconded to enter into the SCADA Alarm and Monitoring System Agreement for Professional Services with Fehr Graham in the amount of $200,000. On roll call vote, all voted aye.

D) Set Date and Time for TIF Joint Review Board Meeting – Davis will contact the Auditors to get the needed TIF Report and then will get the meeting scheduled before the end of September.

E) Other – Nothing


A) Finance – No Report

B) Park & Special Projects – Davis stated the pavilion at the park has been cleaned and stained.

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C) Public Events & Safety – Jim Davis presented a letter from Chris Schultz in which he offered to host or help out with the 170th Anniversary of the Village which will be in 2023. Davis asked the Public Events & Safety Committee to set up a meeting and find out where the interest lies.

D) Trees & Sidewalks – Ruth Foley handed out copies of the map of the Village and asked Board Members to mark locations where trees could possibly be planted. The Committee will then meet to develop a plan. The trees will have to be ordered in advance and the cost is projected at $50-$75 for bare root trees.

E) Ordinance/Policy – No Report

F) Stone House Committee Pro Tem – No Report


A) Community Fitness Center – Nicole Busch – Nicole reported to the Board that she has been approached by school personnel who are reaching out to businesses in the Community to ask for money or equipment to help with the Fitness Center. Nicole then asked to table further discussion until next month at which time she will have more information. The center is not yet open to the public.

B) American Rescue Plan Funding Discussion – No further discussion.

C) Governor Pritzker’s Mask Mandate Effective August 30, 2021 – the Governor has announced a statewide indoor mask mandate for all Illinois residents, regardless of vaccination status effective Monday, August 30, 2021.

D) Census Bureau – Unofficial Census Count – 436 – The population counts are still unofficial at this time; however, it shows Scales Mound Village with a population of 436 which is up 60 from the 356 reported in the last census.

E) Other – Nothing




Duerr moved, Foley seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 8:45 p.m.  All voted aye.

These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting.  Minutes are also available online at


Village President                                          ATTEST:  _______________________________________

Village Clerk