Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Remote Meeting Joined in on

Zoom Video Conferencing

December 28, 2020

7:00 P.M.

In accordance with restrictions placed by the Governor of Illinois as a result of the Coronavirus Pandemic quarantines, the Scales Mound Village President and Board of Trustees agreed to hold a Zoom video conferencing meeting for December.

President Davis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Members present by video conference were Nicole Busch, Shannon Driscoll, Lindsey Duerr and Ruth Foley. Member Bernard Trebian was absent.  Also present were Jim Davis, Steve Stadel, Village Treasurer, and Margaret Townsend, Village Clerk.  Brandon Behlke, reporter for the Galena Gazette was also listening in on the video conferencing.

Foley moved, Busch seconded that the Minutes of the November 30, 2020 Regular Meeting be approved as read.  On roll call vote, Busch, aye; Driscoll, aye; L. Duerr, aye; Foley, aye.  Motion carried.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  Driscoll moved, L. Duerr seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to place it on file.  On roll call vote, Driscoll, aye; L. Duerr, aye; Foley, aye; Busch, aye.  Motion carried.

The December bills were reviewed.  Foley moved, Busch seconded that the December bills be approved for payment.  On roll call vote, L. Duerr, aye; Foley, aye; Busch, aye; Driscoll, aye.  Motion carried.


A) S.M. Chamber – It was reported that Santa delivering goodies to children via the Fire Truck went well.

B) Letter from Susan Jeske with a copy of The Watchtower – Clerk Townsend stated she received a letter from Susan Jeske of Platteville, WI with the Jehovah Witnesses who were doing a campaign during the month of November to deliver a special issue of The Watchtower to all government officials.

C) Christmas Greetings – Clerk Townsend presented Christmas card greetings from various Villages in the County and from companies the Village has done business with.

D) Other – Nothing

PUBLIC WORKS – (John Duerr joined the meeting during the Public Works discussion.)

A) Monthly Report – Davis reported that Ron Duerr has still been having problems with the pumps in the lift station due to them being clogged with wipes. Also, a cracked pump housing had to be replaced. Residents are reminded once again that even though the wipes say right on the package that they are flushable, they are NOT.  PLEASE DISPOSE OF THEM IN YOUR GARBAGE.  The Board expressed appreciation to Ron for recent snow removal.  Foley questioned if additional help for Ron with plowing is available.  Davis stated Ron knows he can have help and he will reaffirm that with him.  It was also reaffirmed that the cost of living increase Ron will receive starting January 1, 2021 is at 1.3%.

B) Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee Report – No Report

C) Sewer & Water Operations Committee Report – No Report




A) Information on Grants – Foley – It was agreed the Street/Maintenance Committee needs to meet with Ron to get a list of the areas he believes need to be worked on. Lindsey Duerr will set up a committee meeting at the Town Hall sometime in January.

Minutes – Regular Meeting, December 28, 2020 – Page 2

B) Update on Internet Availability – Residents in the Village who previously submitted their interest in Sand Prairie Internet are being notified that NOW is the time they should sign up and if they do, they will have the installation fee waived (a $129.95 value).

C) Action on Resolution of Adoption of Jo Daviess County Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazards Mitigation Plan – Ruth Foley stated the Board needs to adopt the Plan to remain eligible for federal mitigation funds. Foley moved, Driscoll seconded to adopt the Jo Daviess County Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazards Mitigation Plan. On roll call vote, L. Duerr, aye; Foley, aye; Busch, aye; Driscoll, aye; J. Duerr, aye.  Motion carried. This is a previously agreed to update to the Plan signed in 2013.

D) 2021 Consolidated Election – Update – Clerk Townsend reported only one person filed papers for the election which leaves two empty seats. There are two options to filling those seats; there is still time to file as a Write-in Candidate, or, the vacancies can be filled by appointment after the election. Contact Clerk Townsend at 815-845-2240 for information.

E) Other – Nothing


A) Finance – No Report

B) Park & Special Projects – No Report

C) Public Events & Safety – No Report

D) Trees & Sidewalks – No Report

E) Ordinance/Policy – No Report

F) Stone House Committee Pro Tem – 1) Update on Construction – Davis reported work is continuing as materials become available, and, the flooring should be done this week. The generator has not yet been reconnected.

G) TIF/Subdivision Committee Pro Tem – No Report


A) New Pages for Policy Books – Clerk Townsend reported she has new pages for 2018 Ordinances to add to the Policy Books, however, she would like to wait until we are back in the Stone House before we gather the books to update. The Code on the website has been updated.

B) Other – Nothing

BRAINSTORMING – At this time President Davis called for a moment of silence in memory of Marion Dayton, Steve Stadel’s mother-in-law.  Our sympathies to Steve and Dana.


ADJOURNMENT – Foley moved, L. Duerr seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 7:27 p.m.  On roll call vote, Foley, aye; Busch, aye; Driscoll, aye; J. Duerr, aye; L. Duerr, aye.  Motion carried.

These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting.  Minutes are also available online at


Village President

Attest:  _______________________________________

Village Clerk