Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Scales Mound Town Hall

June 29, 2020

7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 29, 2020 by President Davis.  The meeting was held at the Town Hall due to the construction at the Stone House.  Members present were Nicole Busch, Shannon Driscoll, John Duerr, Lindsey Duerr, Ruth Foley and Bernard Trebian.  Also present were Emily Stadel filling in for Village Treasurer, Margaret Townsend, Village Clerk, Ron Duerr, Joe Lee, Scott Roberts of O’Connor & Brooks and Brandon Behlke.

Foley moved, Driscoll seconded that the Minutes of the March 30, 2020 Regular Meeting and the June 19, 2020 Emergency Meeting be approved as read.  All voted aye.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  J. Duerr moved, L. Duerr seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to place it on file.  All voted aye.

The June bills were reviewed.  Busch moved, Foley seconded that the June bills be approved for payment.  On roll call vote, all voted aye.



A) Ambulance Board – It was agreed to take this item off the Agenda since the Ambulance District is now under the County Board jurisdiction and local Boards are no longer represented.

B) S.M. Chamber – Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic there will be no “Ice Cream in the Park” and no Farmer’s Market this year.

C) Other – Nothing


A) Monthly Report– Ron Duerr reported: 1) the underground electric service at the Lift Station was interrupted and since it is a Village account it is considered “commercial” and the Village is responsible for the entire cost. It has now been restored.; 2) part of North Avenue in front of the Funeral Home will need to be dug up as part of the surface is starting to slide and there also is a bump in the pavement which needs to be investigated.; and, 3) the contractor who will be doing the demolition at the Stone House is scheduled to start tomorrow morning.

B) Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee Report – No Report

C) Sewer & Water Operations Committee Report – No Report


Joe Lee, Zoning Administrator presented a Building Permit and Fees from Raymond Potter for a garage at 309 Schuyler Avenue.


A) Mowing, Trash in Yards, Swimming Pools, Chickens, Vehicles, Camping Trailers – Discussion was held on what action should be taken regarding the Ordinance Violations. The Board had taken a “step back” during the first four months of the Coronavirus Pandemic, realizing that people would be spending more time at home and maybe would take some time to clean up their properties.

Minutes – Regular Meeting, June 29, 2020 – Page 2

Many people did clean up, plant flower and vegetable gardens and the majority of properties in town show the pride the owners have in their properties.  However, there are several repeat offenders and a couple of new properties which are not conforming to the ordinances.  It was decided that the Ordinance/Policy Committee will have a meeting to determine which properties are in violation of the ordinances.

B) Hiring someone to enforce the Ordinances – John Duerr stated that Wayne Moyer is interested in being hired by the Village as Ordinance Enforcer. After a short discussion, J. Duerr moved, L. Duerr seconded to hire Wayne Moyer to enforce the Village’s ordinances at $17.50 an hour with a two hour minimum.  On roll call vote, all voted aye.  Moyer will use the Village squad car when working with the violations.

C) Letters to be sent out – After the Committee meets, they will get a list of violations to Clerk Townsend who will prepare letters to be delivered by Moyer.

D) Other – Nothing


A) Administrative Law Ordinance/Further Discussion/Possible Action – President Davis will discuss with Attorney Kurt to get an opinion on this matter.

B) Update on Utility Hookup Fees – Clerk Townsend had a report on the fees charged in Elizabeth, IL. The Board will continue to work on the fee schedule.

C) Discuss/Finalize Public Works Job Description – Jim Davis and Ron Duerr had previously met and finalized the Job Description. Foley moved, J. Duerr seconded to approve the Public Works Job Description. All voted aye.  The agreement with Ron and the Job Description will be signed and placed on file.

D) Update on Sand Prairie Internet Availability – Lindsey Duerr reported on the numbers she has received from Sand Prairie. It appears that for some reason there is a discrepancy in the number of interested persons they are providing and the numbers she has. Lindsey will put a notice in the Weekly Visitor to remind people to make sure they have signed up online as “interested” in the service.  She will also discuss with Bridgette at Fehr-Graham as to other options for broadband.

E) Other – None


A) Finance – 1) (Reminder Appropriation Ordinance needs to be done in July) – The Appropriation Ordinance will be prepared for action at the July 27th Regular Board Meeting.

B) Park & Special Projects – The park and the playground equipment are now open for public use.

C) Public Events & Safety – No Report

D) Trees & Sidewalks1) Update on Tree Replacement – Davis stated he is still looking for a place to get some trees at a reasonable price. He also presented a bill from Josh Altfillisch for sidewalk replacement. Altfillisch had 74’ and the Village had 22’.  The cost to the Village is $1180.     Duerr moved, Foley seconded to pay the Village share.  On roll call vote, all voted aye.

E) Ordinance/Policy – 1) Written Policy on Rates for Large Amounts of Water purchased from Village – Clerk Townsend will put together a form that shows the date, amount of gallons and a signature from the party getting water at the Fire House. The fee remains at $7.00 per 1000 gallons.

F) Stone House Committee Pro Tem1) Update on Project – President Davis stated he will set up a meeting soon to discuss and choose colors, materials, etc. for the new construction.

G) TIF/Subdivision Committee Pro Tem – Davis stated he has been working with Matt Keegan on correcting the records to show the Village has put money into the TIF over the years. It is just a matter of adjusting entries to show Village funds were spent to make improvements in the TIF District.

Minutes – Regular Meeting, June 29, 2020 – Page 3

At this time, Scott Roberts with O’Connor Brooks & Co. presented and reviewed the FY2019 Audit. He reviewed the letters, noted that as is a common happening in such a small organization, there are not enough people to review the financial operations so once again the segregation of duties was listed as a deficiency.  He mentioned that Quick Books is not necessarily a great tool for governments to use however it is okay, and that the Financial Statements are a good tool for the Board to use.  They would also like to see the Appropriation Ordinance broken down into more line items.  There were no questions from the Board.


A) Mediacom Lease Agreement – Davis reported he has been corresponding with Mediacom regarding their Lease Agreement with the Village. Foley moved, L. Duerr seconded to negotiate into a 5 year lease agreement with Mediacom and to authorize President Davis to sign the agreement. All voted aye.

B) Annual Appointments, Set Meeting Place, Date & Time, Designate Depository – tabled to July Regular Board Meeting.

C) Liquor License Renewals – Renewed in April/Discount/SMRA License Possible Refund – President Davis as Liquor Commissioner renewed the Liquor Licenses at the end of April.  He stated that due to the Coronavirus Pandemic and the mandatory closing of bars to inside seating, he did a one time reduction of $250.00 to the three Class A licenses.   After a short discussion, it was agreed to refund the entire license fee to the Scales Mound Recreation Association as they have announced that they will not be open for operation for the 2020 summer season.

D) Set Date & Time for TIF Joint Review Board Meeting – Davis will set a date and post the information as required.

E) Other – None


1) A question was asked as to whether it is permissible to have an aboveground gas barrel on a property in the Village.  It is not and this will be given to the Ordinance Committee to investigate.

2) It was suggested information be published in the Weekly Visitor regarding the Village’s flag program to let people know donations are being taken on an ongoing basis.  The cost is $50.00 per flag.


ADJOURNMENT – Foley moved, Driscoll seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 8:31 p.m.  All voted aye.

These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting.  Minutes are also available online at


Village President

ATTEST: _________________________________

Village Clerk