Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

April 29, 2024

7:00 P.M.


The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 25, 2024.  Members present were Nicole Winter, Ruth Foley, Scott Ohms, Kristy Schueller, and Janet Werner.  Garrett Hillary and John Duerr were absent. Village Clerk Deven Morgensen, Village Treasurer Steve Stadel, Ron Duerr, Dave Fosler, Dan Schelberger, Jim Davis, and Zach Winter were also present. Nathan Wills entered the meeting at 7:09 and Melissa Ditmar entered the meeting at 9:05.


Foley moved, Werner seconded that the minutes of the Regular Meeting March 25, 2024, Special Meeting March 28, 2024, Ordinance Committee Meeting April 15, 2024, and Finance Committee Meeting April 23, 2024, be approved as read.  All voted aye.


The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. Schueller moved; Werner seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to place it on file.  On roll call vote, all voted aye.


The monthly bills were reviewed. The board discussed the billing for the Christmas Lights. Jim Davis advised that Marvin Schultz and himself used to donate the funds to the Chamber. Jim Davis advised that himself and Marvin would be willing to assist with them moving forward. The audit bill and the visa bill were discussed and added to the monthly bills. Foley moved; Ohms seconded that the April bills be approved for payment. On roll call vote, all voted aye.



Annual appointments were as follows; Zoning Co-Administrator – Dave Fosler, Zoning Co-Administrator – Zach Winter. Schueller motioned; Werner seconded to accept the Dave Fosler and Zach Winter as Zoning Co-Administrators. On roll call vote, all voted aye.


Annual appointment of the Depository – Apple River State Bank. A review of the regular meeting dates and time was conducted. Foley motioned; Ohms seconded to appoint the depository as Apple River State Bank and the meeting dates and times as presented. On roll call vote, all voted aye.


Annual appointment of the Village Attorney – Hailey Wills. Werner motioned; Schueller seconded to appoint Hailey Wills as the Village Attorney. On roll call vote, all voted aye.


Annual appointment of the Village Clerk – Deven Morgensen. Ohms motioned; Foley seconded to appoint Deven Morgensen as the Village Clerk. On roll call vote, all voted aye.


Annual appointment of the Village Treasurer – Steve Stadel. Ohms motioned; Schueller seconded to appoint Steve Stadel as the Village Treasurer. On roll call vote, all voted aye.



  1. A) Citizens Comments 1) Jim Davis spoke regarding a possible need to improve one of the water mains in town. The water main on the northeast corner of town is a two (2) inch water main rather than the recommend six (6) inches. There are now five (5) houses using the water main and if any additional are added, it could cause issued to the water main. 2) Jim Davis discussed clarifying if a permit is needed to replace existing material or only if adding or changing the current material/structure. The board discussed a look back to meeting minutes to locate this policy. 3) Dan Schelberger discussed the usage of the car wash and the income and fees associated with it. Dan provided research regarding how much water is used and the safe chemicals used at the car wash. 4) Nathan Wills indicated that Wills Garage did not have garbage/recycling totes delivered for the shop. President Winter will contact Montgomery Trucking to have them deliver.
  2. B) S.M. Chamber1) Stadel reported that the Chamber is hosting a Music Fest on June 8, 2024. Stadel indicated the Chamber is not ready to meet regarding the Christmas Lights.
  3. C) Contact Us Submissions – None.
  4. D) Other – None.



1) Ware/Chatterbox – The agreement between Ware and the Village was contingent upon the property being sold in ninety (90) days in exchange for a reduced lien of $2,500. Kevin and Carrie Stier are on contract to purchase the building. The structural engineer is still working on the official report but did notify President Winter that the structure will be deemed savable in his report. President Winter immediately notified Kevin Stier per his request. 2) Wills – Nathan Wills indicated he would like a member(s) of the board to visit their shop to help show what needs to be completed to become compliant.



  1. A) Monthly Report1) Ron Duerr reported that the pumps and lines are primed. The SCADA will be worked on for two (2) days and should be ready for use. Ron Duerr indicated that a motor in the lower building broke. If two (2) are ordered at the same time, a discount is applied to get both for the price of one (1). Foley motioned; Werner seconded to purchase two (2) motors for the lower water building. On roll call vote, all voted aye. The standing water issue near the park was discussed. The property owners will need to obtain quotes to fix it and the village will discuss at that time.



  1. A) Report – The board discussed the current and potential permits.



  1. A) Increase ComEd Street Lights – ComEd has been actively adding street lights.
  2. B) Addition of Street Mirrors – The street mirrors were received, and Ohms is researching how to install them.
  3. C) Water/Sewer/Garbage Rates – 1) Notification for the rate change has been posted to Facebook and at the Post Office. The notification will also run in the Weekly Visitor. 2) The board and Dan Schelberger returned to the Car Wash rate discussion. Dan Schelberger discussed his research on the usage of the Car Wash and advised that it uses less than a typical residential amount of water. Schueller motioned; Ohms seconded to adjust the Car Wash rates to match that of a residential total of $50, but still at 4 units per the ordinance to keep the Car Wash business open for use. On a roll call vote, Schueller, Ohms, and Werner voted aye, Foley abstained, and President Winter voted aye.
  4. D) Sharps Container – Placement – The board discussed a location for the Sharps container and advertising it. Ron Duerr and Zach Winter advised they could work together to pour a cement slab to secure it to in front of the Stone House. Ohms motioned; Werner seconded to have a cement slab placed in front of the Stone House to secure the sharps container.
  5. E) May Mayor Meeting – The host of the mayor meeting rotates monthly. The host town/village covers the cost of the meal provided. President Winter is hosting the meeting on May 2, 2024, at Southside.
  6. F) Garage Sales – Clerk Morgensen advised that 8 sales were registered for the garage sales.
  7. G) Wage Increase Request from Village Treasurer – The finance committee provided their recommendation to not increase the Village Treasurer wages at this time. Stadel indicated it would be best for the Village to find a replacement willing to do it for the current wage. Werner asked Stadel if he would like to meet with the finance committee to go over his duties and reasonings, but a meeting was not set.



  1. A) Street/Maintenance – It was suggested that this committee meet.
  2. B) Sewer/Water 1) Lead Service Line Update – Ron Duerr, Clerk Morgensen, and President Winter have finalized the Lead Service Line project. 2) The EPA Plan is due in July that Ron Duerr and Steve Winter will collaborate on.
  3. C) Finance – Finance committee met and discussed some potential projects in the pipeline for the next five (5) years.
  4. D) Park & Special Projects – None.
  5. E) Public Events & Safety
  6. F) Trees & Sidewalks – None.
  7. G) Ordinance/Policy
  8. H) Development – It was suggested that this committee meet.



  1. A) Approval of Annual Liquor License Renewals – Foley motioned; Schueller seconded to issue the annual liquor licenses to the village businesses with no new business applying for licenses. On roll call vote, all voted aye.
  2. B) Reminder – Statement of Economic Interest Forms Due 05/01/2024– Clerk Morgensen reminded those on the board to return their Statement of Economic Interest forms.
  3. C) Other –






ADJOURNMENTWerner moved; Schueller seconded that the Meeting be adjourned at 9:08. All voted aye.


These Minutes were prepared by Village Clerk, Deven Morgensen.


These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting. Minutes are also available online at



Village President


ATTEST:  ________________________________________

Village Clerk