Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

August 29, 2022

7:00 P.M.

I.            Call to Order

II.           Roll Call

III.         Approval of Minutes, Regular Meeting, July 25, 2022

IV          Treasurer’s Report

A.  Discuss Investing/CD’s

B.  Other

V.            Approval of Bills

VI.          Public Hearings/Correspondence

A.  S.M. Chamber

B.  Anniston Werner/SMHS FFA/Color Run Request

C.  Dr. DeLaMar & Dave Hoftender/SM Schools – Drainage Tubes under School Yard

D.  Other

VII.           Public Works

A.  Monthly Report

1) Update on SCADA System

2) Information on Condition of Trees in Park

3) Tree on Franklin Street has been removed & Sidewalk replaced

4) Other

B.  Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee Report

C.  Sewer & Water Operations Committee

VIII.           Zoning

IX.             Ordinance Violations

X.               Old Business

A.  Update on Funds (Explanation of funds seen in report on State of IL website)

B.  Other

XI.               Other Committee Reports

A.   Finance

B.  Park & Special Projects

1)  All 4 Benches are Installed

2) Bench Donation in Memory of Betty & Ernie Schoenhard

C.  Public Events & Safety – 170th Celebration Update

D.  Trees & Sidewalks

E.  Ordinance/Policy

XII.            New Business

A.  Consolidated Election April 4, 2023

B.   Other

XIII.            Brainstorming

XIV.            Closed Session

XV.            Adjournment                                                                                                                                                                  Posted 08/26/22