Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

May 31, 2022

7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 by President Davis.  Members present were Nicole Busch, John Duerr, Ruth Foley, Dan Wenzel and Janet Werner.  Member Nathan Wills was absent.  Also present were Steve Stadel, Village Treasurer, Ron Duerr and Kristen Adami.  Janet Werner agreed to take the Minutes of the Meeting in the absence of Clerk Margaret Townsend.

Busch moved, Duerr seconded that the Minutes of the April 25, 2022 Regular Meeting be approved as read.  All voted aye.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  Steve Stadel discussed with the Board that he had made transfers of funds in some accounts to clean up funds as suggested by the Auditor.    He also discussed the TIF account funds and stated he did an internal transfer to pay off that loan from the General Account.  Wenzel moved, Werner seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to place it on file.  All voted aye.

The May bills were reviewed.  Duerr moved, Busch seconded that the May bills, to include one added by Jim Davis for $293.50, be approved for payment.  On roll call vote, all voted aye.  Discussion was held on Zoning Compliance Bonds on open permits.  Two have been paid.


A) S.M. Chamber – No Report

B) SMASH – Request to Close Portion of Clark Ave on 06/05/22 – Kristin Adami was present to ask if a portion of Clark Avenue from Franklin Street to the end of the Southside Hornet property could be closed on Sunday, June 5th from noon to 6 p.m. for their fundraiser. No complaints were heard from the same fundraiser last year. Foley moved, Werner seconded to allow that portion of Clark Avenue to be closed for the SMASH event as requested.  All voted aye.

C) Other – Nothing


A) Monthly Report – Ron Duerr reported on the following: 1) Pump #2 needs to be pulled for inspection and repaired if needed.  The estimated cost would be $9,000 to $10,000.  Pump #3 was done last year.  The pumps should be inspected every 10 years to keep them in good operating condition.  2) Benches – discussion was held on the placement for the cement for the new benches and suggested reinstalling the swinging bench on a cement pad.  3) Condition of and replacement of the Ferris lawnmower – the mower is 8 years old but has low mileage.  Ron presented 3 bids for trading the old mower in on a new one.  Pros and cons of each bid were discussed.  It was suggested Ron get a bid for a new Ferris since that is what would be traded in.  Ron will get bids to present at the June Regular Board Meeting.

B) Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee Report – No Report

C) Sewer & Water Operations Committee Report – No Report

ZONING – Permit applications and fees were received from Brian Bussan for a deck and a portable building.


Nicole Winter presented a list of properties that are in violation.  She is ready to prepare letters for Officer Moyer to present to the property owners.  President Davis stated that the city of East Dubuque should be ready by July 1, 2022 to use the Administrative Law System.  Scales Mound Village should be next to get up and going forward.

Minutes – Regular Meeting, May 31, 2022 – Page 2


A) Any Additional Results from Letter Regarding Trees – Ruth Foley reported she had talked with Redfearn Tree Service to look at the trees we have that are cracked and also about purchasing 10 new trees. Redfearn said we may know by fall when he gets trees to plant for us. As far as the cracked trees, they will need to be replaced.

B) Update on SCADA System – the parts for the system are here and we are waiting to get a date on installation. Steve Stadel stated he received a phone call from the Village Treasurer in Lanark, IL regarding funds we are to receive that he saw on a report – possibly $110,000. Steve will return the call and look into this more since Jim Davis stated he knew nothing of these funds.  A comment was made that the funds could possibly be used towards SCADA.

C) Update on Installation of Benches – Nothing further.

D) Other – Nothing


A) Finance – Ruth Foley presented figures for a preliminary Appropriation Ordinance. Steve Stadel presented and discussed a Budget format he could use that the Auditors would like that shows income and expenses.  The Board discussed pros and cons and then gave Steve permission to prepare a report for the rest of the funds as he had just presented for Corporate Funds, Police Funds and the Audit Fund.  The report will be reviewed at the June Regular Board Meeting.

B) Park & Special Projects – Janet Werner presented a list of items for discussion that the committee put together. The list was divided into what can be done now and what others could be done in the fall.

C) Public Events & Safety – PCI is to come and look at the electrical issues with the Bandstand.

1) Report from 170th Celebration Meeting – the committee has met 2 times and is working on getting things organized.

D) Trees & Sidewalks – Nothing further

E) Ordinance/Policy – Nothing further


A) Annual Appointments, Set Meeting Place, Dates & Time, Designate Depository – tabled to June.

B) Other – Nothing



ADJOURNMENT – Foley moved, Duerr seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 8:30 p.m.  All voted aye.

These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting.  Minutes are also available online at


­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­                                                                      _________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Village President

ATTEST: __________________________________

Janet Werner, Village Trustee