Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

January 31, 2022

7:00 P.M.

I.          Call to Order

II.         Roll Call

III.        Approval of Minutes, Regular Meeting December 27, 2021

IV,       Treasurer’s Report

V.         Approval of Bills

VI.        Public Hearings/Correspondence

A.  Richard Montgomery/Municipal Aggregation Contract Renewal

B.  S.M. Chamber

C.  Other

VII.      Public Works

A.  Monthly Report

B.  Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee Report

C). Sewer & Water Operations Committee Report – Set Meeting Date

VIII.      Zoning

IX.        Ordinance Violations

X.         Old Business

A.  Filling Board Vacancy

B.  Discuss Letter to Residents Regarding Trees – Ruth Foley

C.  Holland/Wienen Annexation – Hearing Scheduled for 02/28/2022 at 7:00 p.m.

D.  Update on SCADA System

E.  Other

XI.        Other Committee Reports

A   Finance – Set Meeting Date

B.  Park & Special Projects

C.  Public Events & Safety

D.  Trees & Sidewalks

E.  Ordinance/Policy

XII.      New Business

A.  Review Closed Session Minutes from Past 6 Months (None)

B.  Discussion of Unsightly Condition of Railroad Property – Ruth Foley

C.  Other

XIII.     Brainstorming

XIV.    Closed Session

XV.     Adjournment


Posted 01/28/22