Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Stone House
October 29, 2024
7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 29, 2024. The members present were Nicole Winter, Ruth Foley, Scott Ohms, Kristy Schueller, and Janet Werner. Garrett Hillary entered at 7:03 PM. John Duerr was absent. Village Clerk Deven Morgensen, Village Treasurer Marissa Marquith, Ron Duerr, Dave Fosler, Jerry Edwards, Jill Peppin, and Courtney Warren were also present. Zach Winter entered at 7:03 PM.

The village board held a moment of silence in honor of Trustee John Duerr’s brother, Jerry Duerr.

Werner moved; Schueller seconded that the minutes of the Regular Meeting September 30, 2024, be approved as read. All voted aye.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. Schueller moved; Foley seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to place it on file. On roll call vote, all voted aye.

Foley moved; Schueller seconded to have Treasurer Marquith prepay for propane with Mulgrew for 1500 gallons at $1.37. On roll call vote, all voted aye.

The monthly bills were reviewed. Werner moved; Hillary seconded that the August bills be approved for payment. On roll call vote, all voted aye.

Jill Peppin presented the project update plan for Water Pollution Control (Sewer) and Public Water Supply (Water) loans to discuss possible projects, the cost associated, and the possible amount of forgiveness depending on qualifying grants. Once the project plan is finalized, Community Funding & Planning Services (CFPS) provides the plans to the EPA. The board discussed options for phasing out the projects or completing them all at once. Schueller moved; Ohms seconded to do Water Pollution Control (Sewer) in two (2) phases. All voted aye. Foley moved; Werner seconded to complete the Public Water Supply (Water) in one (1) phase. All voted aye.

A) Citizens Comments – None.
B) S.M. Chamber – 1) Christmas Lights – The board discussed the new Christmas bulbs and agreed the new bulbs were durable. Foley moved; Werner seconded to approve ordering one (1) case of each color light bulb totaling $1,250 (before tax) to replace the current broken bulbs and to have them for future replacements. On roll call vote, all voted aye.
C) Contact Us Submissions – None.
D) Other – None.

1) None.

A) Monthly Report – 1) Ron Duerr reported that the street signposts are now painted. 2) Ron reported that he attended a Water Conference and advised that it will soon be a requirement to have containment walls around the barrels. 3) Ron advised that there was a water main break at the firehouse that required digging it up along with concrete. To replace a main, the village would first need to obtain a permit from the EPA. The board requested Ron obtain bids for the bore option and cutting concrete option to access the main.

A) Report – 1) The board discussed the current and potential permits which included the Josh Altfillisch building permit. B) Policy for Replacement Projects 1) The board tabled the discussion regarding zoning polices while Co-Zoning Administrators, Zach Winter and Dave Fosler, put together a draft. This will be removed from the future agendas until it is ready.

A) Addition of Street Mirrors – Ohms reported that he is continuing to research locations for mirrors with the required setbacks.
B) Electronic Recycling Event – The village discussed the positive feedback received from the event. The board also discussed alternative locations and timeframe adjustments for future events.
C) Approval of Audit – The audit was received but was sent back with questions and is not ready for approval.
D) Tree Removal Bids – The board discussed the two (2) trees that require removal one (1) located on Mason Street and one (1) located on Franklin Street or the tree removal located on Mason Street, bids were received from Exquisite Tree, Inc for $2,350 and M & M Tree’s LLC for $2,500. For the tree removal located on Franklin Street, a bid was received from M & M Tree’s LLC for $3,500. Foley moved; Hillary seconded to accept the bid from Exquisite Tree, Inc for $2,350 to remove the tree located on Mason Street and to accept the bid from M & M Tree’s LLC for $3,500 to remove the tree located on Franklin Street. On roll call vote, all voted aye.
E) Portable Building Placement Agreement with Art Morby – The agreement has not been received by the lawyer as she has been in contact with Art Morby to finalize the agreement.

A) Street/Maintenance – This committee plans to schedule a meeting.
B) Sewer/Water – This committee plans to schedule a meeting.
C) Finance – None.
D) Park & Special Projects – None.
E) Public Events & Safety – None.
F) Trees & Sidewalks – None.
G) Ordinance/Policy – None.
H) Development –
i. Subdivision Development Specifications – The board discussed possible considerations for the subdivision such as number of desired lots, how the access road should be incorporated into the subdivision, etc. The board will continue to discuss possible outcomes.

A) Tax Levy Ordinance – The board discussed the tax levy ordinance and the options moving forward. The Tax Levy Ordinance will be discussed further at the November and December meetings.
B) Scales Mound School Post Prom Request – Schueller moved; Ohms seconded to approve issuing $100 Scales Mound Chamber Bucks to the Scales Mound School Post Prom. On roll call vote, all voted aye.
C) Repeal of the Grocery Sales Tax – The State of Illinois is repealing the 1% grocery sales tax in January 2026. The village has the option to pass an ordinance to impose the 1% after that date.
D) Water Main Replacement – The board discussed the water main break at the firehouse and recapped that a permit from the EPA is required before proceeding.
E) Village Maintenance Job Posting – The job posting to replace Ron due to his upcoming retirement has been posted.
F) TIF Funds Inducement Agreement – Josh Altfillisch – The board discussed the Inducement Agreement for Josh Altfillisch requesting TIF Funds. Schueller moved; Werner seconded to proceed with the agreement as it secures the request and preserves the eligible costs for reimbursement but does not guarantee issuance of funds. All voted aye. Ohms abstained from voting due to residing in the TIF District.
G) TIF Funds Request Application – Josh Altfillisch – The board tabled this discussion to discuss in closed session.
H) TIF Funds Request Application – Zach Winter – The board tabled this discussion to discuss in closed session.
H) Other – 1) POD Cleanup – The board discussed obtaining a dumpster to clear out the storage POD to then store the Christmas Lights all in one location within the POD rather than in multiple locations including the POD and the Village Park. Schueller moved; Ohms seconded to have Montgomery deliver a dumpster for two (2) weeks. On roll call vote, all voted aye. 2) The board discussed putting the old police car up for bidding to review at the next board meeting. Hillary motioned; Werner seconded to approve putting the police car up for bidding. All voted aye.

BRAINSTORMING – 1) Foley requested the November agenda include an item to discuss the monitoring of water collection at the Firehouse.

CLOSED SESSION – Schueller moved; Foley seconded to go into closed session at 9:09 PM to discuss personnel. All voted aye. Ohms moved; Schueller seconded to move out of closed session at 10:50 PM. All voted aye.

ADJOURNMENT – Schueller moved; Werner seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 10:50 PM. All voted aye.

These Minutes were prepared by Village Clerk, Deven Morgensen.

These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting. Minutes are also available online at

Village President

ATTEST: ________________________________________
Village Clerk