Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Stone House
August 26, 2024
7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 26, 2024. The members present were Nicole Winter, Ruth Foley, Scott Ohms, Kristy Schueller, and Janet Werner. Garrett Hillary entered at 7:08 PM. Trustee John Duerr was absent. Village Treasurer Marissa Marquith, Ron Duerr, Dave Fosler, Zach Winter, Jill Pepin, Courtney Warren, Steve Winter, Tracy Stoewer, and Art Morby were also present.

Schueller moved; Foley seconded that the minutes of the Regular Meeting July 26, 2024, Special Meeting July 26, 2024, Open and Closed Sessions, and Special Meeting August 20, 2024, be approved as read. All voted aye.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. Werner moved; Schueller seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to place it on file. On roll call vote, all voted aye.

The monthly bills were reviewed. Werner moved; Schueller seconded that the July bills be approved for payment. On roll call vote, all voted aye.

1) Jill Pepin and Courtney Warren presented regarding the grant process for water and sewer projects within the village. They presented a tentative schedule of completing the grant process for water and sewer system projects.

A) Citizens Comments – 1) Art Morby – Art requested permission to move an 8 x 12 portable building onto Village Property to obtain additional yard space. President Winter advised that the Village Attorney can draft up an agreement. The agreement will be voted on at the next regular board meeting. 2) Tracy Stoewer – Tracey indicated that the bank behind her house facing Clark Street is steep and she is asking permission to remove the grass and replace it with wildflowers. Tracey indicated it is very difficult to mow and maintain. Tracey requested the village pay for the mulch, but not the flowers. Schueller moved; Ohms seconded to purchase the mulch. On roll call vote, all voted aye.
B) S.M. Chamber – None.
C) Contact Us Submissions – None.
D) Other – None.

1) The board discussed sending letters to various residents for yard appearance, weeds, mowing maintenance, animal incidents, unlicensed vehicles, and improper use of motor vehicles.

A) Monthly Report – 1) Ron Duerr reported that the village is down to one (1) well. Well two (2) went down and was unable to be reset by Fehr Graham. Well two (2) was still under the six (6) year warranty and replacement will be at no cost and will arrive around September 6, 2024. Ron reported that ComEd will take care of the limb on Jeff Lange’s tree. Ron indicated that the water/sewer committee should meet. Ron requested for a post to be made on Facebook and in the paper that there has been junk/garbage dropped off in burn pile not within EPA regulations.


A) Report – 1) The board discussed the current and potential permits which included Dave Davis renewal of permit for siding and two (2) bond reimbursements for completed projects. B) Policy for Replacement Projects 1) The board tabled the discussion regarding zoning polices while Co-Zoning Administrators, Zach Winter and Dave Fosler, put together a draft.

A) Addition of Street Mirrors – Ohms reported that he is continuing to research locations for mirrors with the required setbacks.
B) Set Date and Time for TIF Joint Review Board Meeting – President Winter indicated a meeting date would be set within the next week.
C) Electronic Recycling Event – The date of the event is to be determined by Humphrey’s.

A) Street/Maintenance – This committee plans to schedule a meeting.
B) Sewer/Water – This committee plans to schedule a meeting.
C) Finance – None.
D) Park & Special Projects – None.
E) Public Events & Safety – None.
F) Trees & Sidewalks – None.
G) Ordinance/Policy – None.
H) Development – President Winter will follow up with the attorney for the agreements.

A) Glass Recycling Container Location – The board discussed moving the glass recycling container to Davis Lumber. Werner moved; Foley seconded to pay for movement of gravel to have the glass recycling container moved to Davis Lumber. On roll call vote, all voted aye.
B) Other – 1) The board discussed the Inducement Agreement for Zach Winter requesting TIF Funds. Schueller moved; Werner seconded to proceed with the agreement as it secures the request and preserves the eligible costs for reimbursement but does not guarantee issuance of funds. All voted aye. Ohms abstained from voting due to residing in the TIF District. 2) Flag Program – The flag program has received three (3) donations which included Sheila Winter ($75), Vondran Farms ($100), and Kenneth Bahr ($100).



ADJOURNMENT – Schueller moved; Ohms seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 8:48. All voted aye.

These Minutes were prepared by Village Clerk, Deven Morgensen.

These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting. Minutes are also available online at

Village President

ATTEST: ________________________________________
Village Clerk