Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Stone House
July 29, 2024
7:00 P.M.
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes – Regular Meeting June 24, 2024, and Amended Regular Meeting May 28, 2024
IV. Treasurer’s Report
V. Approval of Bills
VI. Citizens Comments/Communications
A. Citizens Comments
i. Jerry Edwards – Road Closure Request – Auction – August 15, 2024
ii. Melissa Dittmar – Road Closure Request – Country House Grocery Customer Appreciation – August 31, 2024.
iii. Margaret Townsend – New Flag Purchase Request
iv. Brian Bussan – Tree Removal Request
B. SM Chamber
i. Christmas Lights
1. ComEd Grant
C. Contact Us Submissions
D. Other
VII. Ordinance Violations/Administrative Law Report
VIII. Public Works
A. Monthly Report
B. Source Water Protection Plan (SWPP)
IX. Zoning Report
A. Monthly Report
B. Policy for Replacement Projects
X. Old Business
A. Addition of Street Mirrors
B. IML Conference
XI. Other Committee Reports
A. Street/Maintenance
B. Sewer/Water
C. Finance
D. Park & Special Projects
E. Public Events & Safety
F. Trees & Sidewalks
G. Ordinance/Policy
H. Development
i. Origin Proposal
ii. Fehr Graham Proposal
XII. New Business
A. Appropriation Ordinance
B. Review Closed Session Minutes from the Past 6 Months/Recordings from 18 Months
C. Approval of 2023 Audit
D. Set Date and Time for TIF Joint Review Board Meeting
E. Electronic Recycling Event
F. Mulgrew Contract
G. SMRA End of Year Party – Liquor License
H. Soppe Contract
I. Other
XIII. Brainstorming
XIV. Closed Session
XV. Adjournment