Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

September 20, 2023

7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 20, 2023. Members present were Nicole Winter, John Duerr, Ruth Foley, Garrett Hillary, Scott Ohms, Kristy Schueller, and Janet Werner. Also present were Deven Morgensen, Village Clerk, Steve Stadel, Village Treasurer, Ron Duerr, Dave Carscallen, Scott Roberts, and Wayne Moyer.

Kristy Schueller was sworn in to fill the Village Board vacancy.

Auditor, Scott Roberts, presented the 2022 Audit to the Village Board and commented on internal controls and best practices.

Duerr moved, Foley seconded that the minutes of the August 28, 2023, regular meeting be approved as read. All voted aye. Werner moved, Foley seconded that the minutes of the August 28, 2023, closed session minutes be approved as read. All voted aye.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. Foley moved, Schueller seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to place it on file. On roll call vote, all voted aye.

Duerr moved, Ohms seconded that the July bills be approved for payment. On roll call vote, all voted aye.


A) S.M. Chamber – Music Fest will be held June 8, 2024. Utilipay has been added to the website for village residents to pay their water bills online.

B) Contact Us Submissions – 1) A community electronic recycling event has been requested. President, Winter reached out to TNT who handles electronic recycling. TNT charges $150 per pickup date. TNT only charges an additional fee of $25 per Computer or Television. When the event is held, the Village will pay the $150 fee, but if residents would like to recycle Computers and Televisions, they will be responsible for the additional fee(s). Date of electronic recycling event to be determined. 2) A community glass recycling bin has been requested. President, Winter reached out to Montgomery who will provide Nicole with a pricing quote.

C) Other – None.


Wayne Moyer provided an update on current citations being issued on ordinance violations to residents who have received prior warnings. Moyer advised that the interim City Manager for East Dubuque announced that the City of East Dubuque will no longer be willing to pay for the DACRA services. The City of East Dubuque is expected to have a new City Manager within the next 3 months.


A) Monthly Report – Ron Duerr reported that Lead Pipe forms have slowed down, but we must continue to get answers. Duerr suggested running the Ad in the Weekly Visitor.

B) Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee – Donated Bench has been put in at the park. There is a tree being removed from the park due to it beginning to fall. Concerns regarding the dark streetlights and lack of streetlights in some areas were discussed. Soctt Ohms will contact ComEd regarding additional lights.

C) Sewer & Water Operations Committee1) Service Line Material Identification Project – No Report. 2) Other – Ron Duerr requested to attend a Water Orientation in Rockford, IL at the cost of $150. Foley moved, Duerr seconded to approve Duerr attend the Water Orientation. On roll call vote, all voted aye.


A) Report – Carscallen reported two (2) new permits were issued for reconstruction of steps and solar panels. It was also discussed that the new permits would be uploaded to the website and copies would be provided to Carscallen.


A) Front Porch on Stone House – Update from Ruth Foley – Foley reported that she met with Dave Carscallen and suggested the Stone House porch be composite with a designed roofline that follows the building and craftsman style posts. The floor would likely need to be lowered and the ceiling would have recessed lighting. Outlets that go in and outside would need to be added as well as lattice trim. Carscallen is pricing out the materials cost to determine if the project will need to be opened to bids. Foley also suggested a water diverter over the back entry door of the Stone House. Foley moved. Werner seconded to approve the purchase of a water diverter. On roll call vote, all voted aye.

B) Other Stone House Repairs – Update from Scott Ohms – Ohms is still looking into the wiring.

C) Lights and Electrical at Park Pavilion – Ohms indicated there is a plan in place for previously discussed concerns, but he needs to get it written out.

D) Approval 2022 Audit & TIF Packet – Foley moved. Hillary seconded to approve the 2022 Audit as presented by the auditor. On roll call vote, all voted aye. President Winter has been contacting the TIF lawyer’s office without a returned phone call. President Winter will contact the auditor to attempt to contact the TIF lawyer through him. Once a signed letter is received from the TIF lawyer, the Annual TIF Meeting will be scheduled.

E) Display Plaque for outgoing President Davis, Clerk Townsend & Zoning Administrator Lee – Shelves are in to display, just need to be hung.


A) Street/Maintenance – None.

B) Sewer/Water – The sewer/water committee has set a meeting for Monday, September 25, 2023, at 6:00 PM.

C) Finance – The finance committee has set a meeting for Monday, October 09, 2023, at 6:30 PM to discuss the Aduit findings.

D) Public Events & Safety – None.

E) Trees & Sidewalks – None.

B) Park & Special Projects – None.

E) Ordinance/Policy – None.

F) Other – None.


None to note.


A) President Winter confirming with Attorney that she will be at the October Regular Board Meeting.

B) President Winter went over the Action Items list from prior meetings and would like it added to the agenda going forward.

C) Foley updating Emergency Plan– provided to President Winter to review and appoint contacts.

D) Retired Clerk Townsend, offered to take old Meeting Minute Books to Copy Works to scan them in and put onto a flash drive. Duerr moved. Werner seconded approving the old Meeting Minute Books being taken to Copy Works to convert to a flash drive. On roll call vote, all voted aye.

E) Foley reported that the Comprehensive Meeting was held in East Dubuque and findings included better roads, lower taxes, school consolidation, economic development, and fiber. Foley is asking for a recording and suggested taking the survey on the County website.


ADJOURNMENT – Duerr moved, Werner seconded that the Meeting be adjourned at 8:34. All voted aye.

These Minutes were prepared by Village Clerk, Deven Morgensen.

These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting. Minutes are also available online at


Village President

ATTEST: ________________________________________

Village Clerk