Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Stone House
June 26, 2023
7:00 P.M.
The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 26, 2023 by President Stier. Members present were Nicole Busch, John Duerr, Ruth Foley, Garrett Hillary, Scott Ohms, and Janet Werner. Also present were Steve Stadel, Village Treasurer, Tammy Winter, Village Clerk, Ron Duerr. Also present were Tessa Flack, Nancy Breed, Margaret Townsend and Dave Carscallen.
New Trustee, Scott Ohms, sworn in.
Nancy Breed and Tessa Flack presented, “Our History Matters” campaign from the Jo Daviess County Historical Society. They made a brief presentation and asked for a letter of support from the Village of Scales Mound for their project. No objections to preparing a letter. Nancy Breed will email verbiage to Stier for the letter.
Werner moved; Hillary seconded that the Minutes of the April 24, 2023 Regular Meeting be approved as read, with a correction. It was noted in the minutes that Moyer previously mentioned that Scales Mound had adopted the East Dubuque city code for DACRA violations when the Village of Scales Mound has not yet done that. All voted aye.
The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. A) Stadel noted that we have not received another check from High Point Apartments—April was the last payment. B) Busch contacted the auditors. The 2022 audit is complete but is being reviewed. It should be completed early next week. It was also noted that the auditor needs to upload the documents. C) None.
The June bills were reviewed. Discussion regarding attorney bill for TIF advice for $1057.50. President Stier noted that this was a one-time only call for direction. Duerr moved, Ohms seconded that the June bills be approved for payment. On roll call vote, all voted aye.
A) Anything new on Administrative Law – Discussion regarding procedure for violations. Busch will provide information to Moyer and the Village Board. The first violation will be a warning and the second violation will be a citation.
B) Front porch on Stone House-Update – Stier discussed with Ohms the wiring and lighting needs. Carscallen is preparing a drawing for the design.
C) Audit—See above.
D) TIF-removal of property – Discussion regarding the initial design of the TIF district and that all properties need to remain contiguous.
E) Audits/Annual TIF meeting – Stier is making these arrangements and will have them completed soon.
PUBLIC HEARINGS/CORRESPONDENCE: A) SM Chamber: no report. B) Open Meetings training will be completed by all Board members as soon as possible.
PUBLIC WORKS: Clarification was given regarding the members of each committee. The Board asked Duerr to prepare a wish list for things he needs. Duerr was thanked by the Board for the tour of the facilities prior to tonight’s meeting. More discussion regarding maintenance of the buildings.
ZONING: Carscallen stated that two building permits for Synkowski (privacy fence) and Schueller (dog run) were approved. Discussion regarding fees for Carscallen to charge. Stadel will assist Carscallen with development of a form. Carscallen stated that we have 5 on the Board but need additional. Hillary made the motion, seconded by Ohms for Donna Birkett and Greg Hesselbacher to become members. Motion carried.
OTHER COMMITTEE REPORTS: Board members received many compliments, during the festival, regarding how nice Scales Mound looked and how beautiful our park is. The festival went very well and everyone was thanked for all of their hard work. Busch gave Stadel the receipts and discussed the expenses. The ending balance was $7800.00. Regarding the trees in the park, Duerr has a list of 12 donors and Terry Redfearn will choose the appropriate kinds, so there is a variety.
NEW BUSINESS: Discussion regarding one large plaque to present to Davis, Townsend and Lee for their service. Stier contacted Vincent’s and they will donate the plaque. Busch discussed issues in the gazebo during the festival. The power shorted out many times, repairs need to be done ASAP and the structure needs to be inspected. Additional discussion regarding a dumpster in town. This issue will be tabled until spring 2024. Foley noted that the appropriations/budget needs to be approved next month. Staking issues in the Village Park were also discussed—the water and power lines are too shallow. A map of all lines would be very useful. Stier noted that the IML Insurance renewal packet is due July 7, 2023.
ADJOURNMENT – Duerr moved, Werner seconded that the Meeting be adjourned at 9:11 p.m. All voted aye.
These Minutes were prepared by Tammy L. Winter, Village Clerk.
These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting. Minutes are also available online at
Village President
ATTEST: _____________________________________
Village Clerk