Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

April 24, 2023

7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 24, 2023 by President Davis. Members present were Nicole Busch, John Duerr, Ruth Foley, Dan Wenzel and Janet Werner. Member Nathan Wills entered the meeting later. Also present were Steve Stadel, Village Treasurer, Margaret Townsend, Village Clerk, Ron Duerr, Joe Lee, Carrie Stier, Tammy Winter, Carrie Miller, Zandra Schamper, Garrett Hillary, Scott Ohms and Deven and Bret Morgensen.

Foley moved, Duerr seconded that the Minutes of the March 27, 2023 Regular Meeting be approved as read. All voted aye.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. A) Update on Utility Billing for High Point Apartments – the third payment on this delinquent account has been received so it appears they are on track for getting it up to date. B) Anything new on Delinquent Audits – Nicole Busch reported the Audit for the year ended April, 2021 has been received. Stadel stated that the auditors do have all of the needed information for the Audit for the year ended April, 2022 and he will be sending the information for the year ended April, 2023 soon. The consensus of the Board was to send the check for the April 2021 Audit to O’Connor & Brooks now that it has been received. Werner moved, Busch seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to place it on file. All voted aye.

The April bills were reviewed. Duerr moved, Werner seconded that the April bills be approved for payment. On roll call vote, all voted aye.

Foley questioned shutting off the water to the utility accounts 6 months overdue. It was agreed to shut the service off to the account 11 months overdue and to hang a notice on the door of the account 6 months past due notifying them that if the account is not brought current, the water will be turned off.


A) Bid Opening/Action on Bids – Lawnmower – 2 email bids for the 2015 Ferris lawnmower were received. (1) a bid from Tom Neely dated April 16, 2023 in the amount of $815.00 was received; 2) a bid from Eddie Lennox dated April 21, 2023 in the amount of $4100 was received. Foley moved Wenzel seconded to accept the bid of Eddie Lennox in the amount of $4100 for the mower. All voted aye. Steve Stadel agreed to preparing a Bill of Sale and handling the wire transfer as well as making sure the funds clear before the mower is taken away.

B) Anything new on Administrative Law – Nothing new

C) Front Porch on Stone House – Update – Davis stated he was turning this over to Ruth Foley to see that it gets done.

D) The Quick Reference Guide to Frequently Used Ordinances & Polices is on the Website – hopefully it will become a frequently used tool.

E) Report on Easter Party – attendance was down this year. Could have been the day, time or maybe it should be opened to 8+ year olds. It was agreed to book the Town Hall for the Saturday on the weekend before Easter weekend as a “permanent” date.

F) Other – (1) ZONING –Joe Lee, Zoning Administrator presented the following approved Building Permits and Fees: (a) Adam Werner – restoration of home and addition of garage; (b) Brandon Havens – Deck on home; (c) James Davis – portable building at 705 Main Street; and, (d) Joe Lee – Lee’s Construction – retaining wall. Joe mentioned he had a request from someone to build a duplex on a single-family property which he had to decline.

Minutes – Regular Meeting, April 24, 2023 – Page 2

(2) Ruth Foley asked to share some thoughts on the many accomplishments of the Board under the guidance of Jim Davis as Village President (total of 30 years), mentioning the improvements in the Village and the growth it has realized (census went from 376 in 2010 to 436 in 2020). Some of the many improvements are: setting up an ongoing program for resurfacing the streets, relining manholes, rebuilding Clark Avenue from Main Street to Washington St., adding an additional drainage tile south of Clark Avenue to help alleviate the drainage problem throughout the Village, assisting the School District in the cost of a second drainage tile; Zoning, establishing the TIF District, Stone House Restoration, Codification of Ordinances, partnering with the Chamber to provide information on the website; upgraded internet; US Cellular Tower; establishing Administrative Law, and, the recently completed Quick Reference Guide, just to name some of the accomplishments. She also thanked Margaret Townsend for her 46 years of service as Village Clerk in keeping up on the endless list of duties. She also listed projects still on the table which the new Administration and Board will need to finish which include updating the original part of the Stone House, the tree replacement program and the inspection into lead pipes and excessive infiltration into the wastewater system.

(Nathan Wills entered the meeting at 7:47 p.m.)

(3) Jim Davis presented to the Board a document reminding them of where many projects stand and what needs to be done to complete them. He stated yes, the lead and copper information has to be gathered but doesn’t expect to find a great problem there. He stated that the Village faces even bigger problems in the fact that there is such a great infiltration into the wastewater system due to basement drains being pumped into the system which causes an overload on not only the pumps and physical equipment but also on the entire wastewater system. He was hoping to try to combine the two inspections. He asked to have this document attached to the Minutes of this meeting.

THANK YOU TO OUTGOING BOARD MEMBERS WENZEL & WILLS – Dan Wenzel and Nathan Wills were thanked for their service as Board members. Jim Davis (30 years as Village President), Margaret Townsend (46 years as Village Clerk) and Joe Lee (26 years as Zoning Administrator) were also thanked for their dedication and service to the Village.

ADJOURNMENT – Foley moved, Wills seconded that the Meeting be adjourned at 7:37 p.m. All voted aye.


Margaret Townsend, Village Clerk, read the election results. For Village President, James Davis 59 votes, Carrie Stier 68 votes; Stier declared elected. For Village Trustee 4-year term, Ruth A. Foley 99 votes, Nicole Busch 95 votes. Both were declared elected. There was one 4-year term not filled. For Village Trustee 2-year unexpired term – Janet Werner 111 votes, Garrett Hillary 83 votes. Both were declared elected. At this time, Steve Stadel, Notary Public issued the Oath of Office to Stier, Foley, Busch, Werner and Hillary. President Stier appointed, with Board approval, Tammy Winter as Village Clerk and Steve Stadel as Village Treasurer. Winter and Stadel were sworn in and all elected and appointees were seated.

These Minutes were prepared by Margaret Townsend, Village Clerk.


The remaining minutes were taken by newly appointed Clerk, Tammy Winter.

Call to Order at 7:45pm by President Stier. Members present were Nicole Busch, John Duerr, Ruth Foley, Garrett Hillary and Janet Werner. Also present were Steve Stadel, Village Treasurer, Tammy Winter, Village Clerk, Margaret Townsend, Ron Duerr, Carrie Miller, Zandra Schamper, Scott Ohms and Deven and Bret Morgensen.

III. Meeting dates and location through December 2023 were determined and are as follows: May 30, June 26, July 31, August 28, September 25, October 30, November 27 and December 26, 2023. All meetings will be held at The Stone House at 7:00pm.

IV. Appointments and Approval of Zoning Administrator, Attorney & Committees: President Stier recommended Dave Hoftender for the open Village Board Member seat. Much discussion was had regarding this new member residing within the TIF district. Member Foley made a motion to table this decision until next month. Member Werner suggested Scott Ohms fill the open seat. Member Werner seconded Foley’s motion to table until next month. All in favor. Motion carried.

President Stier recommended Dave Carscallen as the Zoning Administrator. Discussion was had regarding qualifications for the position. There were no objections to Dave Carscallen. President Stier then recommended five (5) people to fill the Zoning Board: Dave Fosler, Ken Frank, Sheila Ohms, Kevin Stier and Steve Koester (alternates Nathan Wills and Deven Morgensen). More discussion was had regarding members residing within the TIF district. President Stier indicated that if this were the case, that specific member would abstain from that vote and that Zoning Board issues will be presented to the Village Board and then the Village Board would give their recommendation on the situation. This discussion will be continued next month.


President Stier began the discussion regarding a possible Ethics Commission. This commission would be comprised of three members to be appointed by the Village President. Member Werner made the motion to table this discussion to next month. Seconded by Member Foley.

V. Public Hearings/Correspondence:

A. SM Chamber: Treasurer Stadel led the discussion regarding the upcoming festival.

B. Discussion on ComEd letter.

C. Other: No report

VI. Public Works

A. Monthly report: Ron Duerr discussed many projects he is working on. Winter clean up has been completed. Cold patch will be ready for this summer. The mulch has been widespread in town at all of the buildings and will be touched up again in a couple of weeks.

B. Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee Report: President Stier suggested that this committee meet relatively soon and report to the Board.

C. Sewer & Water Operations Committee Report: Member Foley asked about the drop box for the surveys or where they should be sent. Member Busch will post on the Village Facebook and give directions on where to drop off the surveys.

VII. Zoning Report: No report.

VIII. Ordinance Violations: Ongoing

IX. Other Committee Reports:

A. Finance: No report

B. Park & Special Projects: Discussion regarding preparations for celebrations. Many

thanks to Ron Duerr for all of his hard work. The bathroom floors have been painted. A suggestion was made to possibly paint the old jail and to contact Terry Wienen regarding repairs on the monster truck.

C. Public Events & Safety: Discussion on town clean up and possibly sending out a

reminder letter to all residents. President Stier suggested possibly renting a dumpster for residents to use. The flowers at the roundabout also will need to be planted and taken care of.

D. Trees and Sidewalks: See above discussion.

E. Ordinance/Policy: No report.


X. New Business:


A. Discussion to move to a “Consent Agenda” format: This would mean that the minutes,

bills, Treasurer’s Report would all be approved in one motion. Reports would be sent

by Wednesday to be included in the agenda and minutes. No opposition.

B. Gifts/Recognition for outgoing President Davis, Clerk Townsend & Zoning Administrator Lee: President Stier suggested naming the meeting room at the

Stone House after President Davis. She also suggested making a monetary donation

to the Veteran’s Memorial for Clerk Townsend. Discussion regarding planting a tree in the park for Administrator Lee. More discussion next month. President Stier also asked if an Open House would be possible during the Celebration at the Stone House. Perhaps at that time the gifts could be presented.

C. Approval of Liquor License Renewals: Member Foley made the motion to approve all renewals (Old School Saloon, Country House Grocery, Pop A Tops and Southside). Motion seconded by Member Duerr. Motion carried.

D. Reminder regarding the next board meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 30 due to the holiday.

E. Reminder to file Statement of Economic Interest before May 1st deadline.

F. Other: President Stier indicated that she has attended her first Mayor’s meeting. She said the meeting was very informative and that she learned many other towns are experiencing the same issues as we are. She also indicated that equipment sharing with the neighboring villages could be beneficial.


XI. Brainstorming: None

XII. Closed session: None

XIII. Member Duerr made the motion to adjourn at 8:28pm. Motion seconded by Member Werner. Meeting adjourned.

These Minutes were prepared by Tammy Winter, Village Clerk.

Respectfully submitted,
