Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

November 28, 2022

7:00 P.M.

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes, Regular Meeting, October 24, 2022

IV. Treasurer’s Report

V. Approval of Bills

VI. Public Hearings/Correspondence

A. S.M. Chamber – Report on Annual Christmas Party

B. SMFD – Euchre Tournament

C. Lyons Lab – Increase Lab Charges Effective 12/01/22

D. Notice from State of IL – Non-Compliance/Audit

E. Other

VII. Public Works

A. Monthly Report

1) Update on SCADA System

2) Other

B. Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee Report

C. Sewer & Water Operations Committee

VIII. Zoning

IX. Ordinance Violations

X. Old Business

A. Restrooms at Town Hall

B. Front Porch on Stone House

C. File Petitions for April Election with Village Clerk December 12-19, 2022

D. Information/Discussion on Lead Pipe Inspections

E. Other

XI. Other Committee Reports

A. Finance – Discussion on Tax Levy Ordinance/Timeframe

B. Park & Special Projects

C. Public Events & Safety – 170th Celebration Update

D. Trees & Sidewalks – Ruth Foley – New Information on Availability of Trees

E. Ordinance/Policy

XII. New Business

A. Truth in Taxation Hearing Date 12/07/22

B. Scales Mound Post Prom Letter/Request

C. Christmas Bonuses

D. Other

XIII. Brainstorming

XIV. Closed Session

XV. Adjournment

Posted 11/25/22