Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Stone House

November 29, 2021

7:00 P.M.

The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 29, 2021 by President Davis.  Members present were Nicole Busch, Ruth Foley, Janet Werner and Nathan Wills.  Member John Duerr was absent.  Also present were Steve Stadel, Village Treasurer, Margaret Townsend, Village Clerk, Ron Duerr and Brandon Behlke.

Werner moved, Foley seconded that the Minutes of the October 25, 2021 Regular Meeting be approved as read.  All voted aye.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  Busch moved, Wills seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to place it on file.  All voted aye.

The November bills were reviewed.  Busch moved, Wills seconded that the October bills be approved for payment.  On roll call vote, all voted aye.


A) S. M. Chamber – The annual Christmas Party was cancelled due to COVID complications in the area. The SMFD has agreed to once again deliver “goodie bags” to children in the school district. Chamber members will be gathering at Steve Stadel’s office building on Tuesday morning, November 30 at 9:00 a.m. to prepare the “goodie bags”.  Any Board Members available are invited to help out.

B) Other – The Galena Area EMS are hosting an EMT training program through Swedish American Hospital, Rockford, IL, in Galena. The sessions begin January 4, 2022 and will be held at the Galena Ambulance Station.


A) Monthly Report – 1) Ron Duerr reported that the State is asking that reports be completed and then scanned to the proper departments so he asked the Board to consider purchasing a scanner so he can comply with the requirements. Clerk Townsend then stated she has been seeing a need for a printer as she has been using her personal printer for years and suggested this would be a good time to look into something better to meet the needs of the Village. After further discussion, it was agreed to purchase a LaserJet All-in-One Printer for the Village.   Foley moved, Werner seconded to have Clerk Townsend purchase a LaserJet All-In-One Printer.  All voted aye.

B) Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee Report – Duerr stated that next month he would like to put together a list of what buildings need to be repaired. The Committee will work with Ron on that.

C) Sewer & Water Operations Committee Report – No Report


Davis reported he is working with Attorney Kurt and the TIF Attorney on the proposed Holland/Wienen Storage building with concerns with the building and with TIF.


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A) Mediacom Lease Agreement ­– Davis presented a 5 year renewal agreement with Mediacom with an increase of $50 a month for rent. Foley moved, Busch seconded to enter into the Lease Agreement with Mediacom as presented. All voted aye.

B) Update on Administrative Law – Davis has been in contact with Wayne Moyer and they will meet in the near future to get set up for the Administrative Law. The Board will need to provide Moyer with either a laptop or an iPad for the squad car.

C) Community Fitness Center Update – Nicole Busch – Busch has not had any additional input from the school district on the use of the facility by the public so she has suggested removing this from the Agenda until they contact her.

D) American Rescue Plan Funding Notification of Additional Funds – Clerk Townsend reported the Village has received notice that there are additional funds available from the ARP. The amount for Scales Mound will be $25. The amount is small but just the fact that some amount is being received shows that the paperwork for Scales Mound has been filed correctly and is up-to-date.

E) Update on SCADA System – There is nothing new to report; however, as what seems to be the norm these days, the parts for the system are hard to come by.

F) Update on Internet Installation – Ron Duerr reported the installers have only 1 hookup to install on the south side of town and have already started on the north side.

G) Filling Board Vacancy – No candidate to date.

H) Other – Nothing


A) Finance – Wills moved, Busch seconded to pass and approve the Tax Levy Ordinance for the levy and assessment of taxes for the current fiscal year in the amount of $31,272.00. On roll call vote, Werner, aye; Busch, aye; Wills, aye; Foley, aye. Motion carried.  The ordinance will be filed with the County Clerk and posted as required.

B) Park & Special Projects – Benches – Clerk Townsend reported the intention of the High Point Cruisers Car Club is to purchase a 6’ powder coated black bench, have it placed on a cement pad and have a plaque which would have a memorial message for deceased members of the car club. Janet Werner has expressed an interest in purchasing a bench in memory of her late husband, Leo, and the Board will purchase a third bench. Foley moved, Busch seconded to purchase 3 black 6’ benches and that the Board pays for the cement pads as well as any memorial plaques.  All voted aye.  Details will be worked out.

C) Public Events & Safety – Open House Postponed – Due to the Chamber Annual Christmas Party being cancelled, the Open House planned for the Stone House was also cancelled. Consideration will be given for an Open House in the future.

D) Trees & Sidewalks – President Davis stated he had a chance to get out and look at the Village map and consider where trees could be placed. He came up with 178 spots all on Village property. Foley suggested doing 25 a year, especially replacing those near the railroad tracks.  She drafted a letter which could be sent to property owners, seeking out those interested in placing a tree near their property.  It was also suggested that an ad be placed in the Weekly Visitor after the holidays to see what response is received and then go from there to see how many to order, species, etc.

E) Ordinance/Policy – No Report


A) Christmas Bonuses – Foley moved, Werner seconded to pay Scales Mound Chamber Bucks as

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follows:  Ron Duerr – $250.00; Steve Stadel – $200.00; Margaret Townsend – $200.00; Joe Lee, Zoning Administrator – $50.00.  On roll call vote, all voted aye.

B) Other – Steve Stadel discussed with the Board the condition of the two smaller shingled roofs on the Town Hall. The roofers, while in town for the inspection of the small roof on the east side, found that the shingles on the roof on the restrooms on the north side of the building are also deteriorating and will need replacing eventually. As the Village and the Township share the expenses on the restrooms, the Township is wondering if the Village would be interested in replacing those shingles at the same time the ones on the east roof are done, thus assuring the shingles would be the same color and age.  The cost to the Village would be $942.50.  Foley moved, Wills seconded to pay $942.50, ½ of the cost of the roofing on the restrooms at the Town Hall.  All voted aye.




Foley moved, Werner seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 7:55 p.m.  All voted aye.

These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting.  Minutes are also available online at

______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                             Village President

ATTEST:  ________________________________

Village Clerk