Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Scales Mound Town Hall, 802 Main Street

March 29, 2021

7:00 P.M.

                                                         NOTE CHANGE IN LOCATION

I.       Call to Order

II.       Roll Call

III.      Approval of Minutes, Regular Meeting February 22, 2021

IV.      Treasurer’s Report

V.       Approval of Bills

VI.      Public Hearings/Correspondence

A.  S.M. Chamber

B.  Scott Nevins, Caliber Communications – Discuss Other Internet Options

C.  Other

VII.      Public Works

A.  Monthly Report

B.  Operations/Maintenance/Streets Committee Report

C.  Sewer & Water Operations Committee Report

VIII.     Zoning Report

IX.       Ordinance Violations

X.        Old Business

A.  Information on Grants for Infrastructure – Foley/L. Duerr

B.  Update on Low Interest Rate Loan from Economic Development Funds/Dittmar

C.  Input on Putting Together a Written Policy for Low Interest Rate Loans

D.  Other

XI.      Other Committee Reports

A.  Finance

B.  Park & Special Projects

C.  Public Events & Safety

D.  Trees & Sidewalks

E.  Ordinance/Policy

F.  Stone House Committee Pro Tem

1) Update on Construction

G.  TIF/Subdivision Committee Pro Tem

XII.      New Business

A.  Discuss Need for new Computer for Public Works

B.  Other

XIII.      Brainstorming

XIV.      Closed Session

XV.        Adjournment





Posted 03/26/21