Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Remote Meeting Joined in on

Zoom Video Conferencing

October 26, 2020

7:00 P.M.

In accordance with restrictions placed by the Governor of Illinois as a result of the Coronavirus Pandemic quarantines, the Scales Mound Village President and Board of Trustees agreed to hold a video conferencing meeting for October.

President Davis called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.  Members present by video conference were Nicole Busch, Shannon Driscoll, John Duerr, Lindsey Duerr and Ruth Foley as well as James Davis, Steve Stadel, Village Treasurer and Margaret Townsend, Village Clerk.  Member Bernard Trebian was present by phone conferencing, Brandon Behlke, reporter for the Galena Gazette was also listening in on the video conferencing.

Foley moved, J. Duerr seconded that the Minutes of the September 28, 2020 Regular Meeting be approved as read.  On roll call vote, Driscoll, aye; L. Duerr, aye; Foley, aye; Busch, aye; J. Duerr, aye; Trebian, aye.  Motion carried.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.  L. Duerr moved, Driscoll seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and to place it on file.  L. Duerr, aye; Foley, aye; Busch, aye; J. Duerr, aye; Trebian, aye; Driscoll, aye.  Motion carried.

The October bills were reviewed.  The following bills were added to the list:  1) One Formula, overnight shipping of water samples $97.86; Winter Plumbing, check lift station (from 2006) $25.00; Winter Plumbing, fix drinking fountain @ park $257.25; and, Frontier, phone bill $47.58.  Foley moved, J. Duerr seconded that the October bills, with additions listed, be approved for payment.  On roll call vote, Foley, aye; Busch, aye; J. Duerr, aye; Trebian, aye; Driscoll, aye; L. Duerr, aye.  Motion carried.


A)S.M. Chamber – Jim Davis reported that due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Chamber will not be holding the traditional annual Christmas Party. Instead, they are looking for ideas for alternate plans. One consideration is Santa being driven around in a fire truck and elves delivering bags of goodies, etc.  They are open to suggestions through November 10th at which time they will make a final decision as to what they will do.  They will use social media to get the plans out.

B) Other – Clerk Townsend reported that this is the third year in a row in which the IL Municipal League Risk Management Association has not increased the cost of the insurance coverage.


A) Monthly Report – President Davis stated that things are running smoothly and Ron has not reported any problem over the past few weeks.

B) Operation/Maintenance/Streets Committee Report – No Report

C) Sewer & Water Operations Committee Report – No Report


Minutes – Regular Meeting, October 26, 2020 – Page 2


A) Update on Violations – A short discussion was held on the remaining ordinance violations. Wayne Moyer continues to work on them.

B) Other – Nothing


A) Information on Grants Availability for Infrastructure – Foley – Ruth stated she had consulted with Bridgette Stocks and the Village could possibly qualify for some monies. She wondered if the Board wanted to look into grants for infrastructure regarding infiltration, etc. Davis agreed that the Board should talk with Bridgette to see if we might qualify for any grant funds for projects which have been considered with water and wastewater but have not yet been started.  The Village would have matching funds available.  He suggested that the committee get together with Ron Duerr and discuss just what projects to undertake.

B) Update on Internet Availability – Nothing new.

C) COVID Updates – A brief discussion was held on the Tier 2 Resurgence Mitigations. The rules apply to restaurants, bars and meetings. The positivity rate will determine when the restrictions can be lifted.  Steve Stadel mentioned that new PPP (Payroll Protection Program) forms are available.  If your PPP is under $50,000, there is a one page form that you sign and initial and send in through your bank.

D) Other – Nothing


A) Finance – Discussion of Timeframe for Tax Levy Ordinance – The Tax Levy Ordinance needs to be adopted before the last Tuesday in December. Ruth Foley will get the numbers together and get it out to the Board so it can be approved at the November Regular Board Meeting.

B) Park & Special Projects – Driscoll reported the replacement street light for the park has been ordered. Clerk Townsend reported a letter from Colleen Callahan, Director of the IDNR was received stating that the final grant reimbursement for the OSLAD park project has been approved. The letter stated “On behalf of the DNR, I would like to congratulate the Village of Scales Mound on the successful completion of this project.  Your commitment in helping to improve quality public outdoor recreation opportunities in Illinois is greatly appreciated.”  Townsend expressed appreciation to all those who helped in any way with the project.

C) Public Events & Safety – No Report

D) Trees & Sidewalks – No Report

E) Ordinance/Policy – No Report

F) Stone House Committee Pro Tem – 1) Update on Construction – Davis reported they are working on the heating now and then the drywall will be hung. They are also waiting on the siding.

G) TIF/Subdivision Committee Pro Tem – 1) Information on Loan Proposal – Lindsey Duerr reported the Dittmar’s thanked the Village for the proposal and they will get back to her with their decision. 2) Information on Extending TIF – Nothing new.


A) CN Railroad – “EcoConnexions from the Ground Up” Grant Program – The Canadian National Railway is partnering with America In Bloom, a non-profit organization which promotes beautification by encouraging the use of flowers, plants, and other environmental and lifestyle enhancements, to administer this competitive grant program. They will fund up to 50% of project costs with the entity providing 50%. Interest was expressed in replacing the trees between the railroad tracks and also adding to the area around the Veteran’s Park.  This will be looked into.

Minutes – Regular Meeting, October 26, 2020 – Page 3

B) TIF Article in IML Review Publication – Link to IML TIF Fact Sheet – Clerk Townsend emailed copies of an IML TIF Fact Sheet which gives a quick overlook of Tax Increment Financing as an informational tool for the Board. Members can also go online to IML and read more about TIF.

C) Other – None


Shannon Driscoll brought up a question she saw on the Village’s Facebook page as to whether or not the Village would consider offering a service to pick up leaves if they were piled near the street.  Davis stated it would be virtually impossible for Scales Mound to offer this for various reasons:  1) we do not have the equipment – a vacuum truck or any other equipment needed; and, 2) the Village has only one employee and more than one would be needed to accomplish that task.  At the present time, Village residents can take leaves and other yard waste to the area behind the wastewater ponds to be disposed of.


ADJOURNMENT – Foley moved, L. Duerr seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 7:40 p.m.  On roll call vote, Busch, aye; J. Duerr, aye; Trebian, aye; Driscoll, aye; L. Duerr, aye; Foley, aye.

These Minutes are subject to approval at the next Regular Board Meeting.  Minutes are also available online at



Village President


Village Clerk